Friday, December 17, 2010

Second Street Sunset

Photo: 11/13/2010; around 4:00 pm

I've decided that the sunsets are so spectacular at the end of Second Street in our East Norwalk, I'm going to make a very concerted effort to find myself there, at the end of Second Street, once a week to chronicle said sunset.

I might call myself ~The Tombstone Chronicler~, but there are chronicles other than tombstones I love to document as well!



Sky Watch Friday

do join us!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

You Are Discombobulated, Mr. Nosmo!

Paging Mr. Nosmo King.....paging Mr. Nosmo King!

Hmmm...that kind of sums up my week. Discombobulation at its best!

I caught this sign in Grand Central Station in NYC. Couldn't believe a place as grand and used as GCS would have let this sign's "wrongness" go unnoticed. But I'm glad they did, because it made for a great photo giggle!

merry merry!

happy holidays to all!

Friday, December 10, 2010

Second Street Sunset

Photo: Taken 11/07/2010



Sky Watch Friday
do join us!


as a well-loved aside:

Hey there, my most favorite brother, the very happiest of birthdays to you!
You are by far the very BEST brother ever a sister could have!
Thank you for that.
And here's to many many more!
Birthdays, that is...
Love you!
