Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Movin' On...

Lower Fairfield County
Nothing more beautiful than the sun shining on storm clouds that are moving on.


Those were some big thunder-boomers!

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Sunday Serenity

A New Brood by annbumbly
Newest brood of Sasqua Pond Road turkey chicks...
The last 30 years
We've been blessed with a new brood
of turkey babies
expect goodness!

Sunday, June 17, 2012


In the garden

Grandad & Grandson

Feeding the duckies

Planting spring-time lettuce for his bride
(of 64 years)


To the very best father a girl could have
My sibs and I are so very very fortunate
Love love LOVE you, daddy!


Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there! 
And thanks to all the moms that made the day possible!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

My Mushroom Box

June 10, 2012 @ 12 noon

Darling daughter of the oldest variety (that would be Remy, the one that's teaching in Haiti) sent me a mushroom box for Mother's Day this year. I followed the directions to a tee and then sat back and waited for the marvelous results. And waited. And waited....

Finally, just over a month after I'd set up my box, and as I was getting ready to throw it out, I noticed a bit of growth had occurred! I'd complained to the company as the box said it would take no more than 10 days for growth to happen. They sent me a fresh box and I was getting ready to throw this box out and start anew when - yippee - the mushrooms finally are growing! And growing. And growing...

June 12, 2012 @ 7:45pm


expecting sauteed mushrooms any day now!

Friday, June 08, 2012

Our Very Own Resident Hummer!

IMG_0001 by annbumbly
First time in 30 years our hummer feeder has been put to steady use!
And above's the proof!

After all these years
Our very first hummer has
Made our home her home!


expect anything!

Wednesday, June 06, 2012

We are Duck Herders!

Duck Herding Duties
(click the above link for more duck-herding photos)
I've discovered it's very hard to shoot a video and help herd ducks at the same time!

Mama mallard duck has flown into our school courtyard every spring for the last several years to hatch her babies. Only problem is...the courtyard is completely enclosed. So, a few days after the babies have hatched, our very own duck whisperer teacher (she's pictured above at the very first of the video) gathers a bunch of volunteer duck herders so we can help lead mama and her babies from the courtyard, through the school, across the grounds of the school to the very conveniently located creek by the side of our school.

quack quack!

Sunday, June 03, 2012

Sunday Serenity - Good Mama

Enclosed courtyard of our school - 5th year in a row this mama has come back to hatch her babies there
Friday we duck herders led them through the school to the nearby stream...and freedom...

Good mama mallard
Protecting her babies from 
the murdering crows


Sting + "murdering crows" lyric = good song!