Friday, August 29, 2014

To the Fullest!

The Golf Cart*

*(Mom in her freedom mobile (aka golf cart) accompanied by her ~other son~ Paul, (sipping on his 5:00 cocktail while sending his drone to new heights of photo glory), her grandgirl, Brynnly (who is wondering just where in the hell that drone is going); then there's her faithful Cody-dog, (who is for sure wondering when the golf cart travel-action is ever going to begin), and Paul's Marla (taking memory photos of the events as they unfold).) 

Challenges be damned!
Living life to the fullest?
Our mom does it best!



Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Most Thoughtful

My dad (and my mom)
To know them is to love them -
So many agree!



Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Summer Snow...on the Mountain

Snow on the Mountain w/Honey Bee & an Anoymous 6-Legged Friend

Snow on the Mountain
Considered a weed to some,
A beauty to me!



Summer Snow...on the Mountain

Snow on the Mountain w/Honey Bee & an Anoymous 6-Legged Friend

Snow on the Mountain
Considered a weed to some,
A beauty to me!



Friday, August 08, 2014

Heart of the Storm

Storm coming in over Sasqua Pond 

A storm coming in
But a heart seen by others
Heart wins every time!



Wednesday, August 06, 2014

Imperfect Perfection

Kousa Dogwood - after the rain

The Kousa Dogwood
Shouldn't be blooming right now
It's not listening!



Tuesday, August 05, 2014

Phlox Beauteousness...

Phlox - more beautiful this year than ever before, according to my Master Gardner dad - and I believe him!

Fabulous phlox, OH!
Your beauty is amazing!
Please be back next year!



Sunday, August 03, 2014

Ending & Beginning

Once again, beautiful petunias - one spent, one in its glory

Lovely as it fades
Like a dancer's swirling skirt
 Petunia girl



Friday, August 01, 2014

Free Fall

The loverly petunia - scrub to some, a favorite of mine

How do I love thee?
For your beauty-there's no doubt!
Browning would approve!

