Saturday, July 03, 2010

A Good Day Golfing

Spent a quality two hours golfing with Connor-man and his mom on our local 9-hole par 3 course. Just a beautiful day - both the weather, temperature especially, and the company! I would be so very happy if every day was like that day, weather-wise...and company-wise!



SkyWatch Friday

On a Saturday - join us anyway!


  1. The weather has been SPECTACULAR, really can't get over it. It does make a person happy, doesn't it?

  2. I love Jules and Connor .. I would love to sit in the golf cart and watch

    WV: poted .. not yet, its too early

  3. I agree a good company can uplift the happy mood in us. Happy weekend!

    SWF:Fiery sky

  4. You got to play golf... how wonderful! We haven't seen the sun here for a week. No golf. No yard work. No nothing.


    Have a happy, fun & safe 4th of July celebration!


  5. Wow - it's green there! The sky looks so inviting - hope you aren't too hot there in CT! Have a good 4th!


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