Sunday, March 06, 2011

Sunday Serenity

Photo taken 3/5/11 in our front yard

My crocus are back!
They are a bit late this year,
But I'll forgive them.


expecting spring!

P. S. Later today, I'm off to NYC with Miss LaLa, her daughter and Jules to meet up with Daryl and Kate. Can't wait! It's been too long a time since some of us have seen each other! Happy happy!

Good friends...and crocus!


  1. Spring has sprung.

    Have a wonderful day. Hi to the blisters.

  2. I'm more jealous of the lunch date than I am of your gorgeous flowers. Lala is having salad I think LOL

    Please hug everyone for me!

  3. Yahoo for the crocus! Now I want the water out of my basement!

  4. Oh those are even bigger and prettier than the one I saw in Central Park .. and I had the best weekend ever .. thank you for coming in despite the horrendous rain xox

  5. I drove home through torrential rain but it was so worth it just seeing all of you. So good to see you.
    And I love your beautiful crocus.

  6. Oh you have spring and crocus while my garden still sleeps under a blanket of snow! Lucky girl!
    Hope you've had a great time in New York, can't imagine that you could have a bad time in that amazing city and with those amazing women!
    Have a great day!

  7. All the more welcome for being late. Anticipation adds to the beauty.


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