Wednesday, May 11, 2011

My Wisteria

As I'm sure you've figured out by now, I love flowers.

Among my favorites is wisteria.

Love the scent as well its wonderful ~shape~.


and you?




  1. I love flowers too, even thought about going to become a master gardener. I've never had much luck with wisteria but I love them- their scent, flower shape and the way their name sounds like hysteria.

  2. love wisteria the whole week it is here then gone... love the smell... love flowers!

  3. Don't know if I've ever had wisteria, but I like how it looks and I like the sound of the word wisteria. Now I need to smell some.

  4. I love flowers, too...and I really LOOOOOVVVVVEEEEEE wisteria....mine is not blooming yet but has plenty of bloom pods.

  5. LOVE flowers, lately it seems its all I've been posting on my photo blog ... anemones are my favorite flower ...

  6. Do you have wisteria on your property? Just love it; a strong connection to childhood for me. We had the vine to end all vines. And yes, I cannot imagine a life without flowers.
    You know we are coming to your place tomorrow, right?

  7. Love the pictures too!

  8. I remember walking through a local nursery and asked where is the best place to place a wisteria. The sales person said to climb a ladder with plant in hand, twirl it around your head a couple of times, fling it where ever. That's where it will grow! Now maybe that only applies in the South, but I thought that story was most funny!

  9. Your lilacs aren't too shabby either, my friend!

  10. My wisteria is trying to take over the world.


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