Friday, June 24, 2011

CBS Sunday Morning

Can't Believe I'm On Set! by annbumbly

Can't Believe I'm On Set!
My favorite show ever!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Missourahhh Mosaic

Heritage Apple Tree Blossom

Such a beautiful flower!

Go 'way, human!

Photo taken 5/30/11 of a robin fledgling that was not at all happy to see a camera, let alone a human!

While the above, in my mind at least, is appropriate robin behavior - mom and dad flying about finding food for their nested young-uns - at our house appropriate robin behavior has been, well, of late, not so much. We have two major issues with the robins living round 6 Sasqua Pond (tho possibly it is only one robin being twice as naughty). 
First is, that around 5:00 each morning, if our bedroom window is closed, Mr. (pretty sure, could be Mrs.) Robin begins throwing himself against the glass. Don't know if he thinks he's courting a young cutie patootie or protecting his beloved; either way, it is more than annoying.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Sunday Serenity

Who has the best dad in the whole wide world?
(along with my sis and bro)

Bonica Rose by annbumbly
Photo: Bonica Rose, 6/2/11

"Some people are always grumbling that roses have thorns...
I am thankful that thorns have roses."

Alphonse Kerr


expect anything!


P.S. -  Happy happy birthday to my one and only and most dear son! Can't believe you are as old as you are - and I've loved every year we've shared.  And, you're sharing a special day with your dad and granddad as it's Dad's day as well! May you all have the best day ever, and a wonderful year till your next birthday/father's day! Love love love you all!!!

Friday, June 17, 2011

Dear L1 Community Garden Plot Keeper...

What's wrong with this picture?? by annbumbly

You are in BIG trouble!

Love, the M8 Community Garden Plot Keeper


Yesterday afternoon I walked around our Community Garden to see how other plots were doing. Imagine my surprise to come upon L1's plot and see a rabbit just hanging out...inside L1's fenced-in plot! When I got closer, bunny started charging randomly into the "fence" and quickly found a hole to go through. I followed bunny who also quickly found a hole in the outer fence to go through. (flickr stream has all the glory - click on above photo to view). "Quickly found a hole" seems to be a theme here, and not a particularly good one. Possibly our community garden needs to address outer fence holes?? (I have to say, I've never seen a bunny quite the color of this one, and it turns out it had just 3 legs. Strange. Sorta felt bad about chasing it out of such a good food source.)

Last week, I chased a ground hog out of our "fenced in" community garden. Next week, what???

And just wait till I show you my bean plant carnage. Not pretty!


expect garden frustrations...damn rabbits!

Monday, June 13, 2011

So this is the way I started my day...

IMGP4656 by annbumbly

So this is the way
I started my day. Must be
Grand Central Station!


Grand, don't you think??

there's strangeness all around!!

A gentleman went up to her and asked why she was dressed as she was. 
She told him it was her expression of free thought.
 I then went to him and asked him what she said. He told me about the freedom thing. 
Then that gentleman asked me if I believed in the Holy Trinity. 
Told him that was way too personal.

Wednesday, June 08, 2011

It's Planted! (6/3/11)

First Community Garden Photo: 6/3/11 by annbumbly

My garden plot for the 2011 growing year! Late though it was started - first because of bad weather, then just me - up and planted it is! The closest part of the bed is dedicated to tomatoes...and two types of varieties of the allium (read onion/garlic) family. I haven't a clue in the world when to harvest either of them. I planted them late last summer/early fall. Parental units, Master Gardener! 

Further part of the bed is dedicated to peppers, two types of beans, and, I had hoped, lettuce...but, we're having a heat wave the next week or so, so I'm thinking something else needs to go there. 

Snippy comment: As you can see, not EVERYone in our community garden has gotten their plots in order! Hmmm.....


expecting bountiful gardens for all!

Sunday, June 05, 2011

I am loved

I am loved by annbumbly

On the back of a birthday card envelope.
Makes me feel just wonderful!

Saturday, June 04, 2011

The Backside of 50...

Iris by annbumbly

The Short-Side of...O....Never Mind!
(Name that country song!)


for all the birthday wishes already given, and it wasn't even the day - thank you! 
my family & friends are just the best best best!!