Friday, November 11, 2011

So Loverly, Showing Gratitude

Respect for those that have served and still serve by annbumbly

I had just left a newly discovered old cemetery I'd photographed for findagrave (I AM the tombstone chronicler after all!) when I stopped at a red light, looked to my left and saw this wonderful church that had American flags all over their grounds that, according to their sign, were honoring both those that have served and are serving our country. I find great tranquility in that.


It's Veteran's Day. 
Kiss a Veteran!
Hey, Daddy, here's a kiss from afar!


  1. two days in a row ... I am loving seeing your posts .. and that wonderful thank you to our troops past and present ..

  2. Wow, like red, white and blue leaves scattered on the ground. What a wonderful tribute to our veterans, my dad included.

  3. Oh, it is indeed lovely! What a great idea.

  4. What a neat idea and a terrific photo!


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