Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Old Man's Brother...The Older Man

Old Man's Brother...Older Man by annbumbly

You know The Old Man that I have a photo of in my header - and that I've blogged about ad nauseum infinitum? Well, here is his much older brother. This old man has been around for as long or longer than my old man, and he is HUGE! My brother has a wonderful photo of my Dodgie standing inside of him, and you can get a sense of just how huge he was in all his glory. There isn't a tree near-by that is half as big as this tree is.
For the 40 years my parents have called this land theirs, he's always been this way. Never had the pleasure of seeing him in all his living glory. Sure wish I could have.


  1. How amazing is natural that a seemingly dead for 40 yrs tree still looks photogenic?

  2. Love the Older Man. I wonder how many thousands of critters (mammals, birds, bugs), he's provided food and/or shelter over the years?

  3. Still standing after all these years . . .

  4. I like both of your old trees. They make great photos. They do seem to be very large!

  5. I love old trees and old stumps. They have such character and I think they have such stories to tell!


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