Thursday, March 29, 2012

Misty Moon

Misty Moon by annbumbly
Misty Moon
Not the best of photos, but I like it!
(My cameras aren't the best taking moon photos.)

My entire family of the female persuasion is obsessed with full moons. The first one that sees it immediately gets on the phone, while rushing to their car to drive to the place in the above photo, to let all the other gals know. We're lucky that we live close to a road that gives us the most incredible view of a full moon as there's a wide expanse of water it shines over. A good friend of ours used to live in the house directly behind where I was standing to take this photo and got to enjoy the moon in all it's glorious waxings and waneings. She's since moved...I don't think I would have been able to if that had been my abode. Too much beauty!


Tuesday's 23 degree night didn't hurt the flowers!


  1. I love the moon in all her stages. And I love this pic.

  2. Great to enjoy the moon on the back deck.

  3. Yes, that would have been a difficult spot from which to move! I love the moon, too.

  4. Wow...absolutely gorgeous Annie!

  5. That is such a beautiful photograph. Lucky you to see it rising above the water.

  6. Perfect Moon picture. I love the moon also. I wrote a poem about the moon when I was young and posted it on my Poet Tree blog. It's called "Moonlight Princess." You might like it.

  7. such a perfert Annie shot ... I too love the moon ...

  8. There is a serenity to it that suits you to a t.


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