Tuesday, November 12, 2013

So Long Since...

Autumn Evening Sky on Sasqua Pond Road
It's been forever and a day since I've had anything to say here. Suffice it to say that I've just not been in the right frame of mind to share ANYthing. Not because of anything in particular, but because...just because...OK, that's all kinds of wrong. There's a lot of "in particulars" that have been going on, but none that, until now, I've particularly wanted to share. (Just noticing now how much I seem to favor the word ~particular~ and all of it's English forms. Odd. Hmm...I also seem to like the word ~anything~. O well...) 
I think what is now snapping me out of my profound funkiness is the fact that if I can't automatically change where I am in life, (god f-ing dammit!) then I WILL make the best of what I have! And I have a lot. A lot that I've chosen - purposefully - to ignore in these last months. Stupid, no? 

Family. Friends. 

They're always there for me. 
And always forgiving even when 
I've been less than good and true to them. 
What more could this girl ask for?
Absolutely nothing!
I am blessed. 



  1. Sometimes in life we get to where we get in a Ho-Hum daily life style...I get this way with my blog..I write for awhile and then I just don't take the time to write something.. I always have to have a picture to go with my day..It just looks blank without a picture.. Of course my Grandson who is 7 now always helps me with a picture,,,OR the birds outside my window at the feeder..
    Keep writing now that you have started..I'll be there to read it and leave a comment.. Have a tiggeriffic day~! ta ta for now from Iowa:)

  2. Good to hear from you again. we missed you at the Blog Fest reunion. Love the autumn sky.

  3. beautiful Autumn sky. I understand completely how easy it is not to see all the wonder in front of us all the time. We have to look for it, even when it's obvious. Glad to see you blogging, bring it on!

  4. It's been awhile since we have heard from you. I hope things are looking up for you and getting brighter, like this beautiful sunset you have posted!

  5. It is good to see you post again! We've missed you, but I seem to see a lot of my favorite bloggers backing off and just not having the mental energy to post anything. I think life is keeping a lot of people busy, and the idea of blogging is just too much to deal with. Whatever your reasons, welcome back and that is a gorgeous sunset.


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