Friday, December 05, 2008

SWF - Gold Reflections

I was off on a necessary adventure (grocery store) when I looked to my left and saw the setting sun reflected off the gold of the cross atop the steeple of Assumption Church. It was simply beautiful against the evening sky.

 Of course, I then had to see what it looked like from the other side of the church, so....

...I drove around to the back parking lot and saw this
Four illuminated specks of gold against a dusky evening sky.

Just lovely!

expect anything!

(And no, you can't click on the photos to make them larger, because I'm an idiot and cannot make that cute little function work! Don't know what I'm doing wrong (and will so welcome all solutions to this problem) as it used to work all the time and now, simply doesn't. I am very irritated!)


  1. It's breathtaking! I don't know how to embiggen either, but your photo is lovely.

  2. I love the four gold crosses illuminated by the sunset. What a great shot. When photos won't enlarge for me it is because I have drug the pictures up or down to rearrange them. I found that if I edit the html and cut and paste the picture where I want it it will enlarge. If I drag it it won't. Hope this helps.

  3. This is gorgeous, Annie! Love it. Good that you drove around.
    About the pics, it's the blogger pic thing. It's the devil. I have the same problem. I load each picture on separately and only one will click larger. Sometimes none. Sometimes two. It's blogger! One person told me that if you make them go left or to the right rather than center, it works.
    The problem with that is that oftentimes your type will want to go around the photos.
    * sigh *

  4. Well, they are beautiful just the way they are! So glad you made the extra little "trip."

  5. Very beautiful! I love the second one with all 4 golden crosses glowing against the sky! If you rearrage photos they won't enlarge (sounds dumb, right?). I load my photos in the order I want them to show and add my comments afterwards. Takes planning, but I'm finally used to doing it and it seems to work. I try to never add one at the last minute unless I want it on top.

  6. ...I love that TSAnnie! Perfect! :o)

    ...Thanks for sharing & blessings...

  7. like both but i think the second is my favorite.
    thanks for sharing.

  8. wonderful photos I am glad you went around ! Its absolutely a blogger thing... agrivating!~ Wonderful SWF though~

  9. They really ARE great shots - they jump out at you, don't they! I don't think even "I" would have missed them! Very cool capture!

    about the other problem, I'm not sure what's happened if they worked before and now they don't. I'm stumped - sorry! I still can't figure out how to get the list on my page - the one you have named Worth The Click! I know where to get it from, but when I clicked on "Save", it doesn't do anything - it's like the button is broken or something. I'm stumped on that one too.

  10. This is the church, this is the steeple, this is how Annie preserves it for all people!

    A beautiful picture of both subject and sky.

  11. Amazing church shot! Really incredible! I love the architecture of the old structures.

  12. "Just Lovely" is exactly right!! Wow! I'm so impressed that you thought to drive to the back and look at it from another angle! You received an additional blessing by doing so, too! This really is truly so gorgeous and "Just Lovely!"

  13. Embiggening only works if the actual photo is BIG to being with and you post it as Medium or Small which compresses the pixels.

    The second shot was worth the drive 'round .. its FAB


  14. No wonder I can never find you. All you do is drive around in circles down by the river.

  15. Annie! Very nice. I had to laugh about you driving around to get a different angle. I so do that too. All the time.

  16. Annie: Very nicely captured with the shining crosses.

  17. It's a sign! Of what I do not know.

  18. Beautiful from both sides! Glad you looked up.


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