Wednesday, June 17, 2009

A Verdant Old Vaccary Void of...

Deer & most other Varmints...
Photo taken today @ 3:10pm
Thankfully the deer are finding good thing to eat other than the plants in my yellowing (too much rain) Victory (or not) garden and those of my neighbors. Of course, that 12 foot fence certainly doesn't hurt keeping them on the ~right~ side of the fence - and is obviously most necessary! Notice at the bottom there's also 2 or so feet of chicken wire to keep the smaller vermin out as well. And yes, this community garden is in the middle of the lower pasture* of the old Fodor Farm. 
Quite verdant, as you can see, this old *vaccary, 
(i.e. ~cow pasture~ in Old English).  


expect anything!


  1. Critters. That's why I had to put a fence around garden beds that are already 18 inches off the ground.

  2. We will be seeking that solution critters yet but they are a coming!!!!! I just hope that we can control FlyBoys engineering tendencies.

  3. 12 ft fencing wont keep out determined vermin, and i am determined too it only took three operational errors to get to your blog today... so far mpm hold the record of 6 tries.

  4. I bet the deer wish that he had your husband chainsaw to get in just about now!

  5. Very verdant vista indeed. Victory for the vegetables! Vaccary? I learned something :-)

  6. The only verdant thing here is my grass. No flowers, because of the mildew from all the rain. gah By the way, my parsley's not looking too bad;)

  7. Vaccary ... I like this word, now all I need is a chance to use it

    And believe it or not, my plants in the window box? I watered them the day I plunked them into the soil (such good dirt, thank you again!) and have not had to water them since .. and they are thriving ..

  8. Very creative use of the V...nice photo too, it tells a story...

  9. Hope this serves to protect the garden all summer long.

  10. Great idea to keep those vermin out of your garden. Luckily, I don't have to worry about that as we're only growing tomatoes in pots this year. :D

  11. If you're having the kind of weather we are, I hope you planted seaweed!

  12. It looks like it might work! Nice photo!

  13. I think it's raining everywhere this year. Our entire trip was extra GREEN!

  14. I'm in your neck of the woods right now and the rain just won't quit! I hope we all dry out soon! BTW, the yard looks nice below but I know what you mean about the chainsaw!


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