Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Stella-Dog! How COULD You???

I have no clue in the world where this hideous stuffed buzzard came from, but Stella is in love to the point that she's forsaken her adorable pink bear, Baby (read about Baby here)! I'm simply appalled! And just imagine how Baby must feel! A three-year relationship. Out the window! Never thought I'd have a cheatin' dog!



expect anything!


  1. She says, "Time for a new fling, Mom."

  2. baby has lost her flavor? oh no!

  3. Maybe she's just exploring her options???

  4. Isn't it a woman's right to change her mind?

  5. Wow. Whatever floats her boat.

    It almost looks like a . . . well like a . . . oh, gosh. Nevermind!!

  6. I think she and Baby are over .. did she lick Baby this way? Maybe it the smooth stuff and licking.. I hate thinking she's a slut

  7. My dog will sometimes arrive home with a toy that is not hers - once a soccer ball and once a baby doll with no head. I keep waiting for the neighborhood kids to show up but so far none have - and it's not like she doesn't have enough toys of her own, right here at home.

  8. hehehe, when the bears away,
    Stella will play!

  9. Oh no ... not a buzzard! Hope the bear recovers from her broken heart...

  10. I guess buzzards are a "walk on the wild side" and that pink bear was just too tame and sweet. Poor Baby.


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