Friday, March 05, 2010

Sky Watch Friday

~ Storm outside my window ~


expect anything!


  1. Mary: OK, Annie...winter has laasted tooooooo long for you!

  2. Yes, I agree. *x!+5@! pretty much sums up my thoughts exactly. The weekend is supposed to be nice, though, so maybe that'll help.

  3. OK GUYS THIS IS JUST TOO BIZARRE!!!! Lauren just told me my post is in wing dings! It is fine if I look at in from Safari (tho not for Lauren, wing dings again), but if I go to Internet Explorer, it is in wing dings. No, I didn't intend to do that and I have not a clue in the world why this happened. Or if I can fix it...DAMMIT!

    WAIT! I think I fixed it!!!

  4. It is OK now but I am sorry I missed the wing dings.... I do have to say that my reaction to the snow falling this morning is best characterized by wingdings.

  5. What a shot, Annie! It's definitely time for spring! My first thought was tear drops on the window and thought even the sky was crying!! Hope the sun finds you soon! Have a great weekend regardless!!


  6. Where the heck are you, the little house on the prairie?

  7. LOL! I'm still laughing! I think you should have left it in WingDings! I thought you had done it on purpose :-) Looks fine now...I can read it perfectly.

  8. Gray seems to be the color of choice of Mother Nature lately. Totally ready for some yellows and blues ! Enjo your weekend!


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