Monday, March 08, 2010

Sunday Serenity...On Monday

Crocus flowers daring tiny warriors
Fighting their way up through
The winter ice
Crocus darling early Spring harbingers
Promising days will soon
Be turning nice

Tiny Crocus flowers grow in close groups
Strength in numbers seeking
Where winter snows still may lie
Encircled encampment of floral troupes
“We march onward to spring”
They raise this brave battle cry

Bold strength contained in Crocus so small
Should winter challenge again
They simply refuse to die
Delicate blossoms possess such wherewithal
I cannot help but wonder then
Should not likewise you and I?

~Mary Havran


expecting springtime!

Photo taken 3/7/10, Westport CT


  1. Oh Annie, you've outdone yourself with this one ... superb perspective ... this is a framer, keeper .. love it.

  2. How beautiful! I wish I had that many crocus covering my yard!

  3. This is nothing short of AMAZING!! COME ON SPRING!!

  4. What a beautiful shot and a beautiful poem to go with it. I was just thinking along those lines this morning. Strength no matter what.

  5. Wow...stunning spring colours and your poem is so beautiful!

  6. B E A U Tiful!!!!!! love it!!!!!!!

  7. What a difference a few miles make! You make me want to make my way to Westport. These are lovely.

  8. Wow.. that's just incredible. We're nowhere near crocus time yet. Such a lovely image and poem.

  9. Wow! It's like a carpet of crocus! Amazing!

  10. I am trying to wait patiently for some color...not doing a good job though. This picture makes it harder.

  11. Fantastic!! What a gorgeous capture and so perfect with the poem! I love it! Isn't it wonderful to see such lovely colors after such a long winter as you've had! Spring is definitely on the way! Have a lovely evening!


  12. Did you take this, Annie? This is a beautiful photo.


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