Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Beauty is Where it's Planted

More than once I've come upon a tiny area of ground that's been claimed by some soul and then planted with flowers. The last two I've discovered have obviously not been owned by the folks that planted the area. However, their need to create a growing beauty outweighs the fact that the property isn't theirs.

Every single time I discover such an area, my heart swells.
Bless the planters who must nurture their souls.
Even when the ground is not their own.

expect unexpected beauty!


  1. Awwwww this made me smile. I think they would love that you noticed :)

  2. I can only echo what Debbie has said! Such a sweet and caring post! This world needs more just like you!
    Have a lovely week, my friend!


  3. I wish more people did this and those who dont should take the time to stop and admire the random beauty these little floral oasis's provide

  4. I say "three cheers" for anyone who plants flowers and spreads beauty anywhere!

  5. So pretty....my neighbor and I did this last summer with perennials and we are waiting see what comes back....in a small ignored patch down the street.


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