Friday, May 14, 2010

Missouri Farm Sunset

From our Missouri farm picnic this past April. The sky and the reflections on the pond were just magnificent! It was a slice of heaven to sit around a toasty fire, roasting hot dogs and watching the changing sky as the sun set. A memory worth keeping!

On another note, I would like a camera that can take an exact replica of what my eyes see. Beautiful as any landscape may be in a photograph, it is always more gorgeous in person - well, at least to me. It has nothing to do with the camera; point and shoot (mine) or big fancy-schmancy ones, eyes can always see the nuances no camera can pick up. What and how my eyes can see I find to be one of the greatest mysteries. And miracles. What a gift*!


expect anything!

Sky Watch Friday
do join us!

*(And yes, I know not everyone has been blessed with being able to see well - or at all. I am only speaking of me, myself and I and mean no disrespect.)


  1. The key is contrast; the human eye is able to very rapidly switch between being able to see effectively in both bright light and low light to the point that you can see details in both the bright sky and the deep shadows of a forest nearly simultaneously.

    For a camera, it is one or the other. Mostly. With a decent camera -- pocket or professional -- you can generally put them into manual mode, control the exposure carefully, and take a shot that has decent highlights while still capturing dark details.

    Combined with a bit of a saturation boost, maybe some dodge & burn (lighten the dark, darken the light), and other post-processing, you can often come up with some pretty amazing photos. Stuff that is beyond what the human eye perceives.

    But, yes, it will be different than what the human eye sees; never quite the same.

    Like many things, the conflict between technology vs. a few million years of evolutionary refinement is not much of a contest.

  2. Like many things, the conflict between technology vs. a few million years of evolutionary refinement is not much of a contest.

    That above states it perfectly, bro.

  3. Annie--that is absolutely spectacular!!!

  4. What a gorgeous capture! It could be a painting! Such marvelous reflections and colors!! This one, I'm sure, will always bring back wonderful memories of that day! Have a great weekend!


  5. it is indeed a gift to be truly present and see what is right before your eyes! Beautiful photo!

  6. Beautiful and I wouldn't have wanted to leave!

    Many times I've seen beauty, only to have it not show up the same in photos...I guess that is when we count on our memory :)

  7. I totally agree! Every time I take a photo, I wish it came out looking like I saw it. You did a great job capturing this one though, I just love it and the reflections.

  8. what a divine piece of work humans are - the most sophisticated of machines. the camera sees 9 stops (zones, differences in exposure) and our eyes see 20 stops. amazing what makes us all work, isn't it?

    that being said, this shot is gorgeous

  9. Love this! What a beautiful, peaceful, calm reflection!

    HoodPhoto Blog

  10. How absolutely breathtaking! I've always loved Missouri ever since I went to boarding school there & even more since my trip back for my reunion...

    And yes, my friend, you do have an excellent *eye*.

  11. I love when you speak of Missourah and the love you have for it and for your family.
    The photo here speaks volumes.

  12. This is a wonderful photo...even if it isn't what your eyes seen!

  13. I can smell the hotdogs and hear that fire cracklin'! You can keep the saurkraut but I'll take that sunset any day!

  14. Beautiful -- even if it isn't as spectacular as the real world view.


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