Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Autumn Light & Our Danny Boy

I just am blown away by the gorgeous skies we've had this fall in Connecticut. Can't remember the last time they were this consistently day-by-day beautiful. (I guess that's making up for the leaves not being quite up to last autumn's spectacular glory.)

Every morning I drive to school it's all I can do not to pull over once or twice or three times to take a picture of the wonderful morning light! Of course, I can't pull over because I'm already five minutes late to work...darn! Wish I was a morning person!


For the first time since we've lived here, no one was home for Trick -or- Treater's. New beginnings I suppose. But there was a good reason.

My hubs and son (George Sr. & George III - aka Bly) spent the weekend in Houston visiting with our Dan Doyle - a young man whose family is close to all of we Blystone's, and is one of Bly's dearest friends. Though most of you don't know his story, it's one that should be shouted from the rooftops because it is so very inspirational. Danny was on vacation in Cancun when he dove into the water, hit a rock and was damaged beyond what any 26 year old young man should be. Since July he has been fighting the good fight to get back to an independent life. TIRR in Houston, far from his Northeast home, but where he's constantly been surrounded by his people, has been his key. That, of course, along with Dan's incredible sense of being the ultimate people-person. Never ever has he met a person he doesn't know and like...and who doesn't like, no love, him back.

George the older and George the younger came back with many wonderful stories of good times they had, inspiring moments, tearful times, and memories that will never be forgotten. I picked up the two Georges from LGA and then, in honor of Danny, we traveled to Don Peppe's in Jamaica, Queens, NY to partake of a meal at his very favorite restaurant in the whole wide world. (One of his friends that had also flown in for the weekend had gone there to get Dan his beloved baked clams and fried peppers just before getting on the plane to fly down.) Must say his favorite baked clams really were the best the three of us have ever had. Dan, when you get back, Don Peppe's is where we're all going! Can't wait!

Amazing and sometimes horrible the curve balls life sends our way. I can't imagine having the where-with-all this young man and his family has had to confront this blow - and that they're turning it into the most on-going positive thing it could possibly be. I'm just so very thankful for every bit of support that has been continually sent their way. And that we're a part of their lives. Oh hell...

o danny boy o danny boy we love you so...




  1. What a lovely post.. so inspiring when someone in this situation can keep his spirits and fight his way back to health - and with a smile. Sending healing thoughts and good vibes his way. Thanks for introducing him.

    And another lovely photo, this is.

  2. Awesome post,,,I am sending many prayers and hugs to your young friend!

  3. I will keep Danny in my prayers Annie. I'm heading to the Caring Bridge site to read. ((Hugs to your family))

  4. He sounds like a wonderful man. I wish him well.Life sometimes throws us the unexpected, doesn't it? What an inspiring post. (and I love that first photo too!)

  5. What a wonderful post, Annie, I think what your two Georges did was .. well its what friends do ... and there's not many as good a friend as you Blys!

  6. Such a wonderful young man! And yay for the Georges for making the trip...

  7. What a strong young man! I know we just have to take what life deals us, but it isn't always easy. With his attitude I know he will be blessed.

  8. Sweet tribute, my friend. Makes us realize that we all have crosses to bear. Some much more so than others. xo

  9. Sending positive thoughts his way.

    And what glorious light in that first photo.

  10. Fabulous story and what a great tribute for Danny.
    Congrats on your POTW award

  11. That's quite heart-wrenching story. I don't know if I could be that brave.

  12. Back to say Congrats on the POTW at Hilary's! Truly well deserved. xo

  13. What a sad but inspirational story! I've said a prayer in my heart for him and the life he has yet to live...I am sure he will touch people every step of the way. Congratulations on POTW mention!

  14. Ann: I do love that wonderful reflective photo at the dock.

  15. What an inspiriting post. Prayers and best wishes to Dan on his recovery.

  16. An inspirational story and a painful reminder to take nothing for granted. Belated congratulations on your potw. Am just now catching up.


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