Thursday, January 22, 2009

When in a Snow Storm...

Our turkeys gather on or around the fence rail.

Well...unless Stella is out & about.
Then that strategy just doesn't work on any level!


expect anything!


  1. They remind me of the rows of birds in a shooting gallery. Now if my brother in law, the hunter drove by....

  2. Don't you just love seeing them? Hard to get that close to them out here in the middle of nowhere - they are more skittish where they see so few people I think.

  3. One of those suckers darn near killed me at your house last week. During my extreme x-country ski excursion;)

  4. This one truly does have me "saying" hmmmm...I do not believe I have ever seen copious numbers of turkeys all gathered together on a fence before. Rather interesting, but I have to wonder if they are plotting the takeover of TSAnnie's yard. STELLA!!! :)

    As always, love your pix.

  5. How funny they look! I'd love to have the opportunity to take photos of them that close! I'm really surprised they hang around a neighborhood like that, but I don't really know anything about turkeys (except they taste good at Thanksgiving)

  6. Oh those silly Schoo-like critters are so confused ...

  7. too cute there are flocks that hang out not too far from here... where the horses are... I think they love the grain the horses are fed.

  8. Everyone has had snow but me. Sigh.

  9. So tell me, do you feed these turkeys at all? Do you leave some corn kernals for them to munch on or do they just like hangin out at your place?
    BTW, I gave you an award over on my blog!

  10. I don't see any stuffing???

  11. What amazing creatures. I see wild turkeys all the time walking on the side of the Merrit Pkwy.

  12. What a capture! I would have been elated to see and capture these.

  13. Too much snow - but very cool turkeys.

  14. So, you've trained them to do this when Stella's not around? LMAO

  15. We looked for turkeys during our entire trip and never saw one that wasn't in a freezer.


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