Friday, April 10, 2009

Such A Dirty Girl!

She's looking up to the sky!

"Don't tell me a little dirt wrecks my beauty!"

Now for week II of SPLooking Up:

Trees in my backyard
Still bare, but next week they'll be
Budding...I promise!

P.S. - I just knew I could walk out into my backyard and know exactly where I was standing when I took last week's photo. HA! Even after I printed out last week's photo and spent a good 20 minutes getting dizzy from looking only up, I still could not find the exact same place I was standing. The things you think are the easiest...oh well, that's a philosophical thingy I'm not going to think about. As I was saying, though the above isn't taken in the exact same place as the photo of last week, those are the same trees. And I'm sadly disappointed there isn't more budding progress on those tree limbs. Guess you just can't hurry Mother Nature! Ahhh....the promise of next week! Hope springs eternal!


expect anything!


  1. Wonderful rich colours and the little dirt hurts nobody. Don´t worry, the budding should start any time.

  2. I'm sure those trees will show up their leaves.

  3. Love the idea of the progressive tree picture. Try an X in the lawn with a can of spray paint. Then you won't lose your place. (And the paint will get mowed away!)

  4. Beautiful! I just love the springtime!

    Happy easter :)

  5. Leaves will come! Really! Some of our trees are still budding, but the Bradford pears are fully leafed.

  6. Lovely little daffodil face could never have its beauty spoiled by a few specks of dirt :-) The buds will come...hang in there. The trees know the right time, and our impatience does nothing to hurry them....that is what I keep telling myself when I look up at the bare limbs of several of my trees :-) I'd say you got pretty close to the same spot.

  7. No clouds last week. This week a cloud.
    Very nice!

  8. The daffodil pictures are beautiful! I just love the sun shining on them, they look so content, even with dirt on their face!

    There is a tree in my yard that didn't leaf out until July last year. I should start taking some shots to document it's progress this year!

  9. She's still lovely, even with a little dirt on her face! And your sky is lovely too!

  10. beautiful shots - and as I will probably say each week, I love looking up shots.

  11. I saw a bud in the one on the left far up, about 5 branches, about the 3rd small limb from the end :)

  12. Love these and no, her looks are not dimmed by the dirt ...

  13. For a moment there I thought my mother was talking to me.

    Those were her words when she saw me sweeping and viewed what was at the end of the broom.

    'Dirty girl'.

    Yup! That's me! :0)

  14. There's plenty of budding going on around here! Is the weather suppose to be warmer up there next week? Is that how you know? Here's to budding in your area!!!

  15. Your green foliage will be bursting in no time. dontcha worry!

  16. Daffs are perfect in any condition. I am looking up, too!

  17. Hats off for the funniest title of the week, and an absolutely stunning close up.

  18. Those daffodils are gorgeous against that blue sky.

  19. It's going to take a little time for the budding to appear here as well but thankfully the weather is behaving for the last few days so that should definitely be a good sign to get the process started!!
    Hope your Easter weekend is going well.

  20. Love the daffodil! I'm looking forward to ours coming up. It's too early now, but they're trying!

  21. So vastly different from your winter shots. Aren't seasons delightful.


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