Tuesday, April 28, 2009

That's MY World!

Just last week I was complaining about the lack of blooms around my home. Found out all you need to correct this little problem is two days of 85ยบ+ temps, which we had last weekend. You can guess what happens...non-stop bloomage! Above is a played-with photo of the weeping cherry tree you see below. Ms. Cherry Tree has really outdone herself this year! (And over the next few days/weeks I'll be posting more photos of her glorious glory! Aren't you excited now?)

I do apologize for the over-grown green tufts all over the yard. I think I have an idea of what causes certain patches of grass to grow much more vigorously than others...Stelllllaaaaa! I took this photo at 7:25 yesterday morning. By the time I got home around 3:15, the lawn had been cut and those annoying tufts were gone. At this very moment in our CT Spring, my front yard is truly gorgeous! And that's my personal world! Welcome to the view! And my world!


expect Spring!


  1. That's some cherry tree - beautiful photos.

  2. OH MY!! Just look at that... that is incredible colors!
    Here it is snowing and to see that makes my heart droop... I miss Spring.
    Your photos are amazing!


  3. Weeping cherries are so beautiful.

    I just rid our lawn of those patches on Sunday. And then I had to re seed the spot where Maxie burned the lawn too!

  4. NOTHING else lifts the spirit and Hearts like SPRING...JUST BEAUTIFUL
    GOING to try your recipes...THANKS!

  5. Looking forward to my weeping cherry blooming. Probably one more week and we will catch up with you. Amamzing what that a difference that 20 miles makes.

  6. That tree is a beauty! I hear you saw a hummingbird yesterday?

  7. Ya'll have such purdy yards up there!

    Tufts? I don't see tufts. Looks like grass, cause all I see is weeds down here :)I just keep mowing em.

  8. I want to be there to soak in all that gorgeousness.


  9. gorgeous!!! love the weeping cherries

  10. oh my! those are really gorgeous!!

  11. Beautiful tree! Will look forward to more photos.

  12. Your grass is so green, and your blooms are abundant. I love them!

  13. beautiful capture...amazing how our yards look at beautiful for a short time and then the dread heat of summer kicks in. my grass needs its third trim already...grew so quickly this last week with the very warm temps.
    have a great week.

  14. Those blossoms are gorgeous. Stella does a nice job adding variety to the lawn!


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