Friday, April 02, 2010

Pink & Blue

OK OK, I'm
Quite Late for my S. W. F.
But...springtime is here!

And that means there are all kinds of wonderful blooms and flowers and buds and greenery and creatures, be they insects, birds or animals - EVERYTHING that I need to see and experience and explore!


loving spring!

Sky Watch Friday
Do Join Us!


  1. Very springy! Love the contrast. Happy Easter to you and your family.

  2. Ah, timing isn't important, it's the beauty you have to share and those gorgeous blossoms against such a vivid blue sky can and will be enjoyed regardless! I'm just glad you found the time to share the beauty with us! Wishing you and your family a very Happy Easter weekend!!


  3. Seriously beautiful shot...the contrast is amazing. I too, would be soaking up as much as you can. Enjoy!!!

  4. Are you kidding me!??

    We're probably going to get another dump of snow before we see anything at all with colour. Let me tell you - brown is soooooo last year!

  5. Beautiful.. the colours contrast so well.

  6. Happy Spring! What a lovely picture too.;) Thank you for taking the time to visit me after Hilary's nomination, that means a lot. I am sorry I am thanking you so late, I was on a blog break.;)
    Much love,

  7. Beautiful! After that long cold winter, I think we are all so busy enjoying and exploring the beauty of spring that it is a wonder we get any blogging done at all!

  8. Better late than never.. :-) Glad to see your post with such beautiful flowers with an awesome blue sky in the background!

    Pixellicious Photos


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