Thursday, April 22, 2010

YIPPEE! Spring is Just About Here!

Please click here to see a larger photo of the above.
This little field of woodland crocus just delights me every year around this time. Once these little beauties have opened their lavender petals I know spring is just around the corner. This year they didn't open until well into March, which is late - they usually are opened by the last week of February. This is on the road I take to work so I have the pleasure of seeing them twice a day.
I know of two yards in Fairfield that are covered with crocus each spring, and Miss LaLa told me about another field of crocus in downtown Westport. She called me yesterday and told me of discovering another field of them right here in our neighborhood while she was taking her morning constitutional. Of course, she had her camera with her!
HopefullyI'm sure she'll be posting those photos soon!
I love the way they spread! Each year they extend their reach just a bit further abroad. And, no, mowing doesn't hurt them as they are through blooming long before it's time to mow and, unlike daffodils, their blooming the following year isn't hurt by being mowed.
Wish I'd planted these in our yard when we moved in 29 years ago... Just think how beautiful it would be today!
Yeah, right, like Stella-dog wouldn't trample them to death!


expecting spring beauty!

P. S. My friend Kate did a post today that features beautiful photos of ~weeds~. According to authorities, the above crocus is also considered a ~weed~: "It naturalises easily, thus earning an official recognition as a weed". Hmmm...just goes to show you one human's idea of beauty is another's idea of irritation.


  1. I haven't downloaded mine yet! Yikes;) So beautiful!

  2. you remember that song... keep it coming love?? each time i see the flowers and signs of spring that chorus runs through me head and i smile :D

  3. Annie: That is just a beautiful site, you are definitely way ahead of us. We just lost the snow.

  4. i would love to find a field of them - gorgeous shot

  5. How beautiful to have a yard like that! I feel that way when the violets bloom here and don't care how many take over my yard.

  6. I had no idea crocuses were considered weeds! I've always thought them so beautiful. Well that explains how they just blanketed everything back at our home in Maine. Weeds or not, I'm going to really miss them this I'll just have to keep clicking over here and over at Kate's place as well!

    I wish spring would just attack! I am MORE than ready!

  7. How beautiful! Here in West Texas we know Spring is really here when the blasted mesquite bushes bloom. I've only seen mesquite fooled twice since I've lived in Texas. Mother Nature likes to throw curve balls now & then.

    I can hardly wait for its arrival!

  8. A field of them? Wow. That must be a sight to behold. A lovely, delicate, sunny sight. Your photo is wonderful.

  9. makes me want to plant these next Fall!


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