Friday, April 16, 2010

SWF - A Seasonal Tree

Remember how gorgeous this tree was last fall (click here)? It has a way to go, don't you think, till it's that beautiful in the fall, once again! But, no matter, there is beauty to be found in each and every season!


expect anything!


  1. Just wait - one morning you'll see this and the next it will be green. It happened here almost literally overnight with one hot weekend.

    Green will return, and it's headed norht on I'95 as we speak.

    wv: stguitif. St. Guitif is the patron saint of "I wonder what could have been."

  2. It is a beautiful tree. Don't you love to see the gradual greening?

  3. I actually think naked trees are beautiful too. My son wants a whole yard full of naked trees. I think that's a little extreme though. It's a gorgeous tree though and I did look at it when it's in its full foliage and wow, nice!

  4. It will be well worth the wait!

  5. Trees are beautiful in all seasons. This one is truly grand!

  6. I saver the beauty of every season. Sometimes though Mother Nature insists that I saver winter a little longer than I would like.

  7. No leaves yet? I guess you guys are a few weeks behind us. Lovely all the same.

  8. I saw the previous version of the tree and this one! Awesome to compare the two seasons! I feel in their own way, both the versions look beautiful!

    Pixellicious Photos

  9. Wait'll you get home! Everything spurted on Saturday!

    Hugs to your parents!

  10. Wait 'til you see how green everything is here!!

  11. Hope all is well with your folks!!!!

  12. It's still beautiful against that sky! Have a nice visit with your family.


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