Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Bleeding Heart on a Cold Winter Day

NYC, Riverside Park, spring of '09

I have decided to ignore the fact that it is once again percipitating that wintery stuff here in the unsunny northeast. Even I, a died-in-the-wool lover of all things winter, am getting a bit tired of the whiteness. Mainly because we've had so much and there's no where to put any more of it!

Over the last two days, I've spent about two hours of each shoveling snow. I realized this was necessary after I went to get our mail and found I had to literally climb up and over the snow pile just to reach the mailbox. Didn't really think it was fair of me to expect our mailman to do that six days a week. The capper was watching our garbage man swing around our circle, take one look at the ginormous snow pile between him and our trash bins...and leave...

Have I mentioned that I am about as out-of-shape as one not-very-young-anymore gal can get? Well, I'm mentioning it now! Needless to say, Motrin is my very best friend!

Oh, and our town's school district is the only one in all of Fairfield County that is in session for the entire day. All the other schools are closed or having an early dismissal. Pooh!


But I'm happy...really...I am!


  1. That photo should bring a breath of Spring -- into your mind, anyway. Lovely!

    I'm glad I don't have to shovel snow. Motrin wouldn't do it for me, I fear. Be careful!

  2. Poor Ann....sorry you didn't get a snow day. Those flowers are gorgeous. Wouldn't it be nice if we could order spring on the internet....after all, you can order almost anything else!

  3. And you will be the only ones not in school for the 4th of July! Love that shot!!!!

  4. No fair at having to be in school all day. Maybe you'll get a day off tomorrow?

    Blog Fest WEST has been announced. Check out Asthma Girl's site.

  5. That's a beautiful shot of those bleeding hearts. I always love deep green and pure white together! Just remember, they are there under all that snow and they WILL bloom again one day!

    As for the question about the Carolina Wren, while I am still learning what is "normal" around here for the winter it does seem to be that Carolina Wrens are to be expected. Thanks for your question.

  6. We just got a full dump of snow, and it's GORGEOUS! But I love your white bleeding hearts. :)

  7. That is such a perfect photo .. and I am absolutely on BFW .. I even have free JetBlue tix I can use wooooot!

  8. Well, that's just wrong. All of it. The too much snow, the pain of just getting to the mail box, the no snow day. Better times are coming!

  9. Snow shoveling is probably the hardest thing I've ever done. I don't like it.

    Hopefully, the worst is past and Spring is right around the corner.



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