Sunday, January 30, 2011

Sunday Serenity: Sea Turtle Hatchling...

Oh my!
How hard the struggle of living life is!
Go, little sea turtle!

it's all good!

The above photos are courtesy of my mom and the video courtesy of my cousin, Cathy. My parents, cousin and her hubby are enjoying some snow-free on-the-beach warmness in Costa Rica where they were fortunate enough to witness the hatching and frenzied trip to the water of some sea turtles. How wonderful is that?


  1. Incredible. I can't believe there is a place on this Earth that is warm and sunny.

  2. thats so sweet and I am so glad your lovely parents are somewhere warm

  3. Oh how wonderful! I've seen that happen once and it's remarkable. They're about the size of little toads! Which is most amazing if you've ever seen the mamas that lay the eggs! The size of dinner tables!!!

  4. Very cool! He's on his way to the Shell station. ;)

  5. What a joy to be able to see that experience!! I just love sea turtles...

    especially from Finding Nemo...first they went like whoa...then they went like whoa...then they went like...WHOA.

    I want a baby sea turtle and I will name him Crash!

  6. That is so precious! I would love to see baby turtles hatching. I hope he makes it! I would have wanted to pick him up and carry him to the sea.

  7. Encourages me to keep shoveling snow! If that little creature can make it to the sea, then I can make it 'til spring!


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