Saturday, January 01, 2011


...New Year! May it be
a prosperous year for all
the folks I hold dear!

expect good things!


  1. Happy New Year to you Annie and I hope you have a method to travel through this. It's beautiful, but my little truck can't, no matter how much it thinks it can. ((Hugs))

    Hope 2011 brings you wonderful blessings and lots of love!

  2. I can get through that in my Element! Um, I think I can. Hell, if I got up my driveway last year in all that we had, I surely could get through this. Happy New Year, Annie. Luv ya!

  3. LOVE this photo! I'd love it even more if it snowed here. :)

    Happy new year, Annie!

  4. ...and for you and yours as well.

  5. We have less snow, but freezing temps. And I cooked the wrong beans for new years.

    Wishing you all the luck with your black eyed peas!

  6. Happy New Year!! Hope yours is wonderful

  7. Great photo. Happy New Year to you too!

  8. Happy Year and Everything to you, Annie! Love your snow photo. If it's going to be so cold here, the least Mother Nature could do is give us some snow. Of course, I'd just stay inside and look at it.:)

  9. Just wanted to stop by to wish you a Happy New Year. I have resolved to be a better blogger ~ hoping life doesn't throw me anymore curve balls. HA! have fun playing in all that snow !

  10. Don't mind me.. I'm late. Happy New Year! ;)


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