Friday, January 28, 2011

Blue Sky...for now...

Woke up to new snow
Not surprising any more...
It's rather routine*



Sky Watch Friday

do join us!

*I heard through the grapevine we're due for another snow whallop next week! Can you believe it???


  1. Gorgeous blue skies and even though I'm sooooo tired of winter, the snow is beautiful! It is the perfect capture for a beautiful winter day! Hope you have a great weekend! Stay warm!


  2. Can NOT believe it and how much snow you all have had up there. Wow.

    This is beautiful, Annie!

  3. it is beautiful ... but, i am so glad WE DO NOT HAVE IT! :) love ya

  4. Well, you know I am super jealous. If I could get up there right now I would bring my sleeping bag.

    Such a beautiful photo. Even with the small blur.

  5. Okay, enough is enough. I'm ready for spring. Even if mean April showers. Because they don't need to be shoveled.

  6. Beautiful picture! I am trying hard not to get down about all of this snow ~ decided I need to change my attitude but not sure how to do that ! Happy weekend ~ guess I'll go out and play in the snow !

  7. ...and getting oh, so old, oh, so quickly! Beautiful picture though with a gorgeous sky!

  8. At least in your neck of the woods it stays pretty .. not that way here ..

  9. That's no blur: that's a capture of snow falling off the branch. Action photo.
    And very pretty too.

  10. I am thankful I do not live where we get a lot of snow. It does tend to make for beautiful pictures tho.

  11. I just wish we could have got that much snow in London, such fun, but alas we only got a little dusting. The fun I would have wandering around in that and the photo opportunities as well...

  12. I'm sorry you have to keep 'digging out', but it IS beautiful.


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