Sunday, January 23, 2011

Sunday Serenity

Look what came my way -
California sunshine!
Thank you sweet brother.

My brother and sis-i-l (and my Dodgie) live in temperate San Jose. Tho their yard is the size of a postage stamp, the bounty that comes from it is just amazing. Meyer lemon trees, some sort of lime tree, an apricot tree, among others.
Bill and Chrissy are having a horrid time this year. Their citrus trees are so laden with fruit, Bill has had to cull some of it. I told him to stop that nonsense and mail the excess citrus to me!

Well...he did! How wonderful was that?

It was so very loverly to come home to an unexpected box full of sunshine!
BTW, o brother of mine....I'm down to my last three...hint hint hint... :)


unexpected family-sent packages are just the best!


  1. Truly the best!

    I'd like to have that kind of problem - trees so laden with fruit!

  2. Yum. I love lemons. Are they two different varieties?

    Looks like lemon bars are in order.

  3. i will pay to have some sent to me:) they are BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!

  4. A beautiful reason to smile on a winter day. Looks lemony lovely.

  5. oh meyer lemons! yum...and so beautiful

  6. Wait a that bowl of lemons out in the snow???? LOL

  7. I agree with Ellen! Time for lemon bars.....

  8. Feel free to tell him to send some sunshine my way too ;0) Miss you!

  9. Oh nice, I had a cousin who lived in Salinas and she had fruit trees on her property too .. yummy .. and so sunshine happy...

  10. There's no such thing as too much citrus fruit. What a burst of freshness and life for all of us here in Siberia. Please tell your wonderful brother if he needs to shed more fruit to ship it this way.

    wv: tries. No matter how hard she tries, CBW cannot enjoy winter. And looking at fresh lemons only makes her long for warm weather all the more.

  11. Oh wow.. I can practically smell them. They look so beautiful in that colourful bowl.

  12. What bounty! And you have arranged and photographed it all so artfully!

  13. Both beautiful and delicious. What a treat!

  14. Those look amazing. I would love to be able to grow a lemon tree here. But alas the cold would get them. Thank goodness for a good brother.


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