Thursday, January 13, 2011

Conquering the Snow....Fall

It's been a good day here in my neighborhood. We woke up to a gorgeous world completely coated with 12" - 15" of the white stuff. I just love snow so was quite happy when I looked out our bedroom window this morning (having a day off from school didn't hurt, either). My hubs, on the other hand, has been doing nothing but grumble the entire day. He claims to passionately hate "that God-awful white crap". Actually, his language was a bit more colorful but I'll just let you use your imagination.
My daughter Brynn had to go to work this afternoon, and though our road was plowed, our driveway? Not so much. However, as you can see, Brynn was bound and determined to conquer those 12" - 15"!
That first little camera jiggle in the above video? My first slip in the snow. That second ginormous camera jiggle? Yup, that was an arse over apple-cart fall by moi that sent my camera flying into a snow bank! (Mom, you were so very smart to give me a water-proof camera for my birthday!)
Brynnlee was ultimately snow victorious, but, of course, I accidentally turned the camera off so there's no "victory dance at the end of the driveway" to be seen.

Oh, and Brynnly informed me on her way out our road that my A-over-A fall was punishment for cleaning the snow off of her car roof...and onto her. Yup, she was standing on the other side of her car when I pushed the snow off. Can't say my apology was very sincere. (It really never is if delivered while the apologizer is also laughing hysterically.)

Stay safe and warm if you're in this year's snow belt!


snowfall...such a beautiful thing!


  1. Wow, I've never had to drive in snow like that. Some day I want to try, just once (then to retreat to a hot fire and friendly wine). Glad you're okay!

  2. What a great video...and I didn't laugh AT ALL when you fell...I knew you were okay because I could hear you giggle.

    I am so glad you got beautiful snow and you enjoyed your day.

  3. You rock! Love the slip and fall!!!

  4. I just made a little pee pee in my pants. It was that funny.

  5. Sorry I laughed too. Glad she got out!

  6. I giggled too. What can I say? I grew up in Colorado... I love snow. In the mountains where it belongs. We still haven't had any but that's not an invitation to it, trust me. We'll be in the teens here tonight. Hubby begged to turn up the heat, LOL. Life is full of little paybacks, isn't it?


  7. 12"-15"? Wow! Guess I'll quit grousing about 5"! Looks beautiful, though. Glad she got out OK. Although I've done it in my day, I'm no longer brave enough to drive in that much snow.

  8. Oh yeah.. I laughed. Particularly after "don't be stupid" which is my standard line to my son. I figure it covers all.. except my own slips. :) Hope you didn't hurt anything.

  9. you fell and no cussing ensued I bow to you... you woudl have heard all kinds of crap from he had it been me falling LOL along with much laughter of course!

  10. Oh Annie .. you slip/slide with elan!

  11. Laughed. You sound just like MPM...the accent. Ya'll talk funny. What kind of car? I need one to get out of my driveway the 5 days a year we get snow. Plus, I just like it :)

  12. Thank you for the days entertainment! LOL Makes you glad to be retired when snow comes and you don't have to go anywhere if you don't want to.


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