Friday, February 04, 2011

Sunset not on Second Street

What a difference 24 hours can make...

2/1/11 at dusk

2/2/11 at dusk

Above is my new go-to sunset spot as my Sunset on Second Street view is now completely blocked by a ginormous - and ever-growing - mound of snow and ice. Pretty sure I won't be able to use Second Street until, oh, I'd say around mid-May. Above is Sunset on Third Street - not quite the same ring, but a pretty view none-the-less.


On another note, we're having our Gourmet Group tomorrow at our home, and for something ~new and different~, Connecticut is expecting another ice and snow storm as well! O joy (she writes, with dripping sarcasm and loathing). If no one can make it here, it's a pretty solid bet GB and I won't be hungry for the next two weeks! Will we be tired of Chicken Marbella? Yup! Hungry? Nope!


wishing for no more ice!



  1. No ice please...but I will take some leftovers on Monday :)

  2. WOW! What a difference!

    Enjoy your chicken.

  3. It's universal. We all have snow, though probably not quite that much.

  4. Do you think we'll ever see the grass again?

  5. Greetings from Southern California :-)

    I added myself to follow your blog. You are more than welcome to visit mine and become a follower if you want to.

    God Bless You, ~Ron

  6. GAH ... I think you need to come to my house with the leftovers .. I am tired of left over hospital food

  7. Gosh, this looks really really damp and cold. Shivering. Beautiful though!

  8. I would say that Third Street will make a good substitute for your regular spot based on these shots. I love the comparison. All that snow will melt someday....May sounds about right. Does it make you miss Missouri??


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