Thursday, March 12, 2009

My Very First CT Sighting EVER!

A poor picture, yes
But my very first sighting!


expect firsts at times - Yippee!


  1. How cool is that??? I want him to come to my yard.

  2. Do you think he might migrate south and visit my 'backyard' .. we have housefinches, sparrows, blue jays, and flying rats, er, pigeons ...

  3. Yay! When one loves the birds, any glimpses at all can be thrilling!

  4. do you still have snow on the ground? seriously?

  5. Are you sure it wasn't a Rufous Sided Towhee? (just as exciting, I assure you, and I have trouble telling the difference.) I've only seen one, at my house in Easton years ago, and it's one of those birds where a picture will never do it justice. Very cool!

  6. hummm wonder if we get those kinds of birdies here? are your confederate roses well rooted yet? mine are putting green shoots out but it still a bit early to plant them... the roots are super long all wrapped about each other and I will have to be very gentle untangleing them.

  7. Maybe not the best, but at least proof you have seen them. And I do still like this picture.

  8. This is exciting sighting a Rufus Sided Towhee, I mean an Eastern Towhee.
    So different from all the birds I usually see floating around the blogosphere.

  9. Congrats on seeing it....I enjoy seeing their beautiful color!


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