Tuesday, March 03, 2009

SOMEBODY Has To Direct!!!

A Conflagration
of Red Winged Black Birds...Someone
Must Direct...It's Him!

Not expecting red-winged black birds!
But glad they stopped by!

I know, I know, not a terribly good photo, but the red's were so skittish, I was lucky to get even this shot. It is very unusual for red-wings to be here this time of year, and I feel ~honored~ to even get this photo!

A Note:  I may very well go broke feeding the birds! (Just kidding...I think.) I had a snow day Monday so was watching the birds all day long. Filled the feeders just once, but threw out scoopfuls of sunflower seeds at least 4 and maybe 5 times. My birds were  -  and are -  very well fed!  That RW'ed blackbird wasn't hurt or looking for food. I had my camera on rapid fire because I wanted to get a photo of the red of his wing, so this fella was either flying in or out, thus his wings were spread. I still think he looks like he's directing an orchestra. ;-)


  1. This is great! I've never gotten close enough for THAT good of a photo with those birds. I've never seen them in the snow, either. They must have had a bit of a shock! This is really a priceless capture!

  2. how does that nursery rhyme go...something about 4 and 20 black birds all in a pie???
    cool photo! :)

  3. Why do the males always think they have to be in charge?

  4. Annie, I had a large flock of them at my feeders yesterday. I think it means spring is coming.

  5. Your caption for the photo gets a chuckle from me....

  6. I've had a couple hanging around here, too. Must be migration time for them. Funny photo of him directing :-)

  7. Annie: I saw one the other day but with no chorus.

  8. You know since it snowed on Friday I have had to fill one feeder twice and the other three they've left empty as well. It's costing me a fortune now. LOL. I don't even like blackbirds. But I guess all God's creatures have to eat.

  9. It was a meeting ... and now they know where they are headed next .. fab picture ... really

  10. I LOVE this! Thanks for commenting on my blog because it brought me here to this wonderful photo.

  11. That is a great shot!

  12. the one on the ground wasn't hurt, was he?

  13. The poor things must be frozen and desperately hungry with all that snow hiding their food source!

  14. Hope you've got some kind of feed out for those guys. He looks like he's brushing the snow away in search of seeds....sniff....

    That or you're completely right - he's just bossy!

  15. I want to stay home and watch the birds all day too.

  16. You need an Air Traffic Control tower for your yard! :)


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