Monday, July 06, 2009

Just Another Manic Monday

Been a roller-coaster of late. I'm in Missouri rather unexpectedly as Mom became ill before Dad had the chance to fully recover from the same malaise. They so easily take care of one another, but when both are under the weather at overlapping times...not good is the result! But this too will pass. Dad is looking much better and know Mom will follow suit soon.

And guess what I couldn't find on my way out the door (to fly home to MO) last Friday? My camera! It is always with me! Can you imagine me being anywhere at all without my camera, let alone my parent's glorious place??? Me neither! (In my defense, I had little time to pull it all together and pack, and we all know I need lots of time for that.)

Above is a photo that has absolutely nothing to do with what's written above of some of the glorious wood pilings (I think that's what they're called) that line our Connecticut coast in various places. For whatever reason I love how they look.

Desolate, weathered. But enduring.


expect anything!


  1. I'm so glad your parents have you to help them out. Enjoy your time with them!

  2. Your parents are lucky. Too bad about the camera, though! Come home safe.

  3. Anne, I hope they will both be fine soon.

  4. I hope everyone is well soon and that you do not get whatever they had! Enjoy the visit and let me know when you are back....

  5. Oh Nos!!! No camera! Bummer. But I hope both your parents are feeling better soon!!

  6. Wishing them both a quick recovery AND dont forget you do have your phone camera AND I am sure you can use your mom's!

  7. Did you really look in your purse?

  8. thud.... go buy a point and shoot!

  9. I hope both your parents are on the road to recovery soon!

  10. Sending well wished to both your Mom and are such a good daughter.

    We call those "Break Waters" break the water from eroding the shore line.

  11. Ahh hon. It's awful when your parents are ill. It makes our own life feel on unstable ground. Happy to hear that your Dad is improving and hence your Mom will too.

    I've always wondered about those wood things going down into the water. Were they fences at one time? But why into the water? Has the water level actually risen that much? Why are they so close together?

    We must know more. Really.

  12. I'm glad you can be home with your parents right now when they need you. I'm sure other then worrying about their health, that you are happy to be there :-) Lovely photo!

  13. Well, I hope your parents are doing better and I hope you can scrounge up a camera. Photos from Missouri would be nice, but getting well is what's most important!

  14. Now I see! I hope your parents are well soon. God bless.

  15. I'm afraid the temptation would be strong to buy a camera if I were in that situation. I'm sure I'd find a way to talk myself into it.

  16. I was wondering what happened to your mom when I read the post I know. I do hope she is completely recovered soon.


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