Tuesday, September 01, 2009

CG Kate Bag Harvest 8/31/09

Wow! Things are finally picking up at our Community Garden plot! Tomatoes, tho they're far from gorgeous, are finally ripening. And look at all those peppers! Yes, just look at all of them. As Rem said: "Mom, what were we thinking???!?! We planted enough peppers for 5 families!" In that bunch, there are hot ones, sweet ones, in-between ones. And we have no clue which is which. Makes for interesting eating. Another nice mess of beans - and they're some of the best beans I've ever eaten! Dad got them in Germany quite a few years ago and has been harvesting seeds ever since so they can be enjoyed each year. Gotta remember to let one or two beans hang on and completely ripen so I have seeds for next year. I can't imagine I'll have this big a harvest again, but...one never knows! Maybe the eggplant will be ready next time!



expect anything!


  1. Oh yum.. that looks wonderful. And colourful!

  2. I am sooooo planting a garden next year. Your determination has made it even more appealing. You rock, you super gardener, you. Eberything looks great.

  3. HURRAY! Be happy for those peppers. (Doesn't look like I'll get more than one or two more. I've had 2 so far.) Things will probably go wild until it gets cold.

  4. You have really had fun with your CG! And I have enjoyed seeing the results of your labor.

  5. Oh those tomatoes .. I can almost taste them on a nice toasted sour dough bread w/some pesto and a hunk o' mozz! Slurp.

  6. Everything looks beautiful, colorful and delicious! I do miss having a garden!



  7. Your bag of harvest gets more colorful and yummy every time! Hard work pays off :-)

  8. Love your harvest! My garden is almost over for the year. It was fun! <><

  9. Love your harvest! My garden is almost over for the year. It was fun! <><

  10. The best part! Someone gave my daughter a huge bucket of assorted peppers...I dried them and shared them in decorative jars at Christmas - turned out great for soups, stews and stir fry!


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