Monday, September 21, 2009

Last Day of Summer

Can you believe summer is over??
Nah, me neither.

Here in the Northeast we didn't have much of a summer. Can't complain much as we had nary a one hot 'n awful day, and so far the hurricanes have kept themselves out to sea. But rain?? O have we had rain! It's now tapered off a bit, but I'm sure it'll be back!
O, and for the first time in forever, we've had no ~dog days of summer~! Most years the kids go back to school and we have a string of days with triple digit temp and humidity. This year, not so much. Nice!
Fall/ of my four favorite seasons. The flowers are slowing down, the veggie garden has seen its prime, and the leaves are suddenly turning. Another season. Where the hell does the time go???


  1. The time is going faster and faster by, it's scary. We may as well call this Christmas, then it's January, then it's July.

    Leaves turning is a harsh reality. Great season, fall, but I don't do well with the dark days of drabby winter.

  2. my last day of summer was a combination of sun and rain.

    beautiful shot

  3. Your summer sounds like ours was...I'm looking forward to fall and believe it not eventually winter..there is a charm in every season if you're positive enough to look for it! Perhaps we'll be "lucky" enough to have a warmer summer next year!!

  4. Well, from the look of your picture, time went out to sea! Happy almost autumn!

  5. It was odd not to have high temps on Rosh Hashanah ..of course today synagogues are air conditioned so it isnt as bad as it was when I was a kid and everyone dressed in their new wool holiday outfits (women in fur stoles) and sweltered in the shuls .. I am still sure it will hot up for Yom Kippur because really this is just weird

  6. We DID have a lovely summer, didn't we? And yet, I didn't expect that fall would just open the door and come on in like it did with no hesitation at all. Makes you wonder what sort of winter we will have.

  7. With the exception of early summer w/ temps in the triple digits for a while, we've had a pretty mild summer, too! Hopefully winter will be mild also & NOTHING LIKE LAST YEAR w/ the ice storm we had!!!

    Great photo

  8. I'm so not ready for summer to be over. But the mornings are getting chilly here and the sun is dropping earlier and earlier....

  9. Nary a hot day? I am sorry, my friend, but I was hot this summer;)

  10. What summer? We haven't had any hot days here at all and no rain in the last month at least. Bah! I'm looking forward to New Orleans....

  11. Frost last night. Hot today. A strangely overbaked summer in these parts and a long, cold winter forecast. Dark and dreary, oh so weary. :)

  12. Yep, signs are all around here as well. But it still seems hard to believe that summer is actually over.

  13. This is a great picture to enlarge!

  14. A beautiful photo. So strange to hear people talking about the end of summer's still hot here.

  15. I was thinking just the same thing this morning riding my bike in the chilly, very strong wind. Dreaming of hot summer days at the pool. But now I'm wondering because I was SURE I'd been to this blog since this. I wonder how long it's been!


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