Sunday, September 06, 2009

Sunday Serenity...

Sometimes (and gratefully) means all my children and local family are gathered 'round our dinner table...
On a Friday, not Sunday night, but still,
Absolutely nothing better...

However, it took a bit of yelling on my part (unruly gang!) to get their attention for the above photo moment....
The before yelling pic :

And then there is our youngest (and cutest) family member...
Miss Ella* in the
Kitchen sink, she really knows
How to use that soap!

*aka Little Miss Magic


expect anything!


  1. How adorable, if only the children in my barnehage (preschool/daycare) would wash their hands that well!! Of course dad comes along and spoils the fun by saying don't let her get too wet!! hahaha! I LOVE family/friend dinners where everyone gets together for a lovely meal and sit and chat, eat, and drink for hours together..that is my idea of a perfect social evening!

  2. I think that's why I had so many kids, so that the probability of high numbers at Sunday dinners will be greater than not...I love these photos and Little Miss Magic is really something!! Adorable.

  3. she is just too cute!!!!! and such a good washer !!!!

  4. Miss Magic is adorable and what fun to have so many family/extended family members all at the table .. so much tumult and joyful noise ...

  5. I love this! I miss this sometimes, coming from a big family. And Miss Magic is simply adorable.

    And very clean.

  6. How wonderful! You should use this video to demostrate proper handwashing techniques to restaurant workers! She would put them all to shame!

  7. ...She is a-d-o-r-a-b-l-e!!! ;oD Gosh to be that little again where you can wash your hands and your feet in the kitchen sink at the same time! *giggle*

    ...Looks like a fun gang too!

    ...Blessings... :o)

  8. looks like a fun gathering! she is adorable

  9. Oh my... sweet and cute... how can you not fall in love with that little angel!??!!

  10. I love the hand washing photo...

  11. What a wonderful way t spend Sunday!

  12. How wonderful to have all the family together. Little Miss Ella is adorable and will be very germ-free :-) Her hair is beautiful!

  13. I am going to eat that Ella one of these days. What a delicious little girl!

  14. Lovely family. Speaking of eating, what was on the menu? I see some corn on the cob.

  15. What a crowd! How delightful! And that Miss Ella is a DOLL.

  16. What a great gathering you had. It looks so much like our chaotic scenes with our family that gathers often. Little Ella is a doll. I have videos similar to that. She is a cutie.

  17. Little Miss Magic, what you gonna be?

  18. That's quite a crowd, and Little Miss Magic is definitely cute!


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