Sunday, November 29, 2009

Whirling and Twirling....

Childhood...serenity realized.

I want to be young just once more!


  1. Ah, but we can only remember, can we not?
    I have a distinct memory of being a child and wondering why adults never ran and twirled. I told myself than when I was an adult, I would run and spin and roll down the hill . . . and of course, I really can't do the running. And the spinning only after some wine. And the rolling down the hill, well maybe I could do that.

    (i am psyched for next weekend. i hope i can contain myself all week.)

  2. ...and the world's most perfect subject!

  3. ...but you are young in your heart...go outside and twirl until you fall down!

  4. Look at those curls! And that dress. And those cute little socks.

    That's the most perfect twirling I've ever witnessed.

  5. i would so love to run whirl and twirl but am scared of the broken bones i would have when i landed... le sigh... feeling my age is no fun... Love the pic :)

  6. YOU are still young .. next weekend I am going to get you to whirl and twirl ..

  7. I wouldn't mind an outfit like that right now!

  8. I haven't stopped whirling although I am somewhat slower these days. And sometimes you have to look a little harder to find that kind of joy that kids seem to find everywhere and in everything!

    Here's wishing whirling joy for your day!


  9. Want to be? You mean that isn't you :-) I can tell it's you at heart if not in body. Adorable.

  10. my two year old niece loves to twirl

    sweet shot you have here

  11. Lovely action shot.. so sweet and innocent.

    Sounds like another bloggie buddy get together in the works.. :)

  12. So beautiful. That takes me back for a moment. Thanks.


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