Friday, February 05, 2010

A Shy Wolf Moon

The moon a week ago tonight was simply perfection and beauty for those of us who were fortunate to live where cloud cover happened to be nonexistent.
While I was able to take a photo or two that were...uh...kinda good...there were others who got simply magnificent shots. Much to my chagrin...

Three of my very favorites:

Hilary - incredible photos one and all


Ms. Hannibal - the only way this photo could possibly be better would be if those geese were replaced by a witch or two.
It's just a magical wonderful photograph!


My Ms. Daryl - whose commentary is just the best read around...only to be outdone by that last of her Wolf Moon photos


expect a loverly Wolf Moon once a year!



  1. Gorgeous moon shot -- regardless! I do know how you feel, just when I think maybe I've learned something new -- well, everything is new, I only took up photography a little over a year ago and have a long way to go! But as I started to say, just when I think I've gotten some pretty great shots, I'll see fifty at least that are sooooo much better!! But I keep trying! Hope you have a great weekend!


  2. Your shot is beautiful. Nighttime photography is difficult (and for some of us impossible); what you have here is wonderful.

    Daryl's last shot was very special indeed. There aren't many who can capture the spirit, personality and essence of a moon quite like Ms. Daryl.

    One week.

  3. Beautiful pictures of the moon. Kind of spooky, but beautiful.

  4. It was my dream to capture this moon. Alas, it was overcast here and I am terrible at moon shots. Congratulations, you will enjoy this photo for a long time!!


  5. ow ow owwwwwwwwwwww

    (Wolf howling) Just use your imagination.

  6. Oh you are so sweet .. I still think your moon shot, the one you posted last time, was sensational ..

  7. beautiful - i got the night before but not the night of...too much rain

  8. Cool. And I loved the one that Ms. Hannibal took. Thanks, Annie!

  9. You captured a beautiful moon there. Pure magic, pure wonder.

  10. Wasn't that moon spectacular? I can't stop thinking of it! : )

  11. You're too sweet. Thank you for that.

    I loved Daryl's flirty moon, and MsHannibal's fowl play. ;) And Daryl's right. Your Sunday's moonshot was just amazing.

  12. How right you are - they are wonderful!

  13. Love it!!!!! Please teach me how.. my night shots STINK...

    WV Reduct.. reduct the wednesday that I decided to wait before leaving for NYC and it is 5 days!!!!! Yippie!

  14. Yours is wonderful. And once a year is a bit optimistic in your part of the world, no? (Thinking weather here.)


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