Sunday, February 21, 2010

Sunday Serenity

Dinner Contemplation or just some friends stopping by?

The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes*.

~ Marcel Proust


expect anything!

*Three souls that constantly look at the world with new eyes
& always manage to make me smile (in alphabetical order):

Ms. Daryl
Ms. Kate
Ms. Katie


  1. If Trey-You thinks I'm fricasseeing any turkey he catches, he's got another think comin'!

  2. OMG. Those turkeys come that close to your house? That's unheard of around here where they stick to open fields near the edges of woods. What an incredible photo.

  3. I love the Proust quote -- something I try to remind myself of every day! And I love your photo! What a great shot! Wonder who is eying who there! Fun! Enjoy what's left of your weekend!


  4. Are those wild turkeys or do you have turkeys running around your yard? At first I just noticed the cat sittig in the window- then I looked out and saw the birds- COOL. Very nice quote also- have a great Sunday!

  5. That's a wonderful shot. Did the cat go a bit nuts watching them?

  6. Aw, thanks Annie. I've been to Katie's blog before and her cleverness amazes me.
    Those turkeys sure do get around, don't they?

  7. What a peaceful scene. Protected from each other there's no fear. I'm not sure, however, that a cat would try anything with a turkey. That's a big bird. Sparrows would be easier prey.

  8. i keep hearing the kitty say 'here birdies'


  9. What a picture! It is priceless.

  10. Oh boy Trey-You really doesnt like his new food does he, he's contemplating having one of those in place of his stop the hairball food ... and thank you for the link .. I dont believe I ever met Katie!

  11. Wow... You can really see how they are actually looking at each other... Separate worlds... Separated by a window...
    I love that photo!
    I'm here via Hilarys, congrats on the POTW! :) /Jo.

  12. Wow. What a picture. Congratulations on the potw.

    I wonder if your cat quite realizes that the glass is probably protecting him. A wild turkey ain't no Tweety-Bird.

  13. Cute pic!! :) The Bach

  14. Back to say Congrats on POTW mention from Hilary

  15. I love this so much. What a wonderful image. And what a profound quote! Have always loved that!

  16. Nah, it's doubtful that they'd enjoy cat meat.

    I do love Proust's quote.

    GREAT shot. Congrats on the POTW over at Hilary's.

  17. Now that picture certainly tells a story. Great pic. Congratulations on your mention at Hilary's place.

  18. your photo is fun, critters watching one another. Truly fun. Thank you for your visit and comment!

  19. Oh my goodness, look at that, Thanksgiving Dinner is coming to the cat under its own power!

    What a wonderful shot, and what a calm cat you have. If something similar happened around here, the only thing I'd be able to photograph would be the cat-shaped hole my deranged feline would leave as he hurled himself towards the gettable critters!

    Great shot, and I love light-surrealism...that's what this made me think's a wonderfully dream-like image, which are always some of my favorites.

    Congratulations on the post of the week mention over at Hilary's...I'm so glad I saw this.

  20. Love the photo....what a great shot! I just read your turkey post. If the cat decides to bother the turkeys don't take videos :-)


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