Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Beauty Before the Storm

Some of you may remember that my eldest daughter, Remy, and I had a community garden plot last spring and summer. To say we two were the blind leading the blind would be an understatement of epic proportions! We made mistakes, we had successes, and we definitely will plant again come this spring. Our two most obvious mishaps were planting 20 pepper plants - where were we thinking?? - and planting three strawberry plants. Strawberry plants spread at an alarming rate. When your entire garden plot is 4' x 20', this really isn't a good thing. So...Remy dug up the strawberry plants and replanted them in a pot that now resides in the sunroom off our kitchen. One plant got mad and just up and died, another is struggling to stay alive until replanting time this spring, and the last is blooming profusely and setting strawberries! Yum!
So very lovely to have a breath of spring deep in the February doldrums and with a big old nasty snow storm headed our way.


expect anything!


  1. Ann: That is a lovely bloom, I hope they get pollinated. You may need to do it.

  2. Gorgeous. Well, before you know it you'll be setting plants out for this summer's bounty. I saw daffodil shoots coming up in the snow the other day, so the signs are there. Evidently this winter won't last forever in spite of what it feels like.

  3. I wish this was outside and not in the sunroom.

  4. Beautiful photo. So strange how 3 pots did 3 completely different things.

  5. Now if Annie is going to pollinate, I want a seat in the front row....

  6. I dont think I've ever seen a strawberry bloom before, its lovely... does it smell like strawberries?

  7. <<<wants to sit by MPM... I have NEVER had any luck growing strawberries... the deer love to eat them.

  8. Take spring where you can get it.

  9. I had strawberry plants in my yard for years. They always bloomed and never produced berries.. sigh!


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