Monday, November 03, 2008

A Conundrum...

To flash or not to flash.....

That is the question...
What's your preference?

expect anything!

P. S.  MPM,  I do apologize for ANOTHER morning glory post, I really do!  But I couldn't help myself.  My glories are still blooming, (at least this morning), and tho they aren't as glorious glories as they've been, they're still beautiful. Don't  cha think???


  1. It will always depend on my mood...

  2. i like em both but flash does effect the colors i think and morning glories are one of my most favorite flowers so anyway you take em I like :)

  3. Me thinks the bottom onw - the color is richer and deeper.

    Flaunt your glories - for soon they will be but a memory.

  4. I know I told you I was sick and tired of your morning glories. I'm sorry. I like them today. The bottom one is my favorite;) Happy day, Annie!

  5. ...Oh Missouri Annie, did MPM say that pre-wine or post-wine? That is a crucial factor in determining the sincerity of such a ;o)

    ...I love morning glories and I am drawn to the first photo - color is much richer, very pretty btw...

    ...Blessings... :o)

  6. I don't get tired of your morning glories.... they are beautiful!!!

  7. I think I like the bottom one because the some of the shadows in the top one gives it a "wrinkled" look...less glory :-) You know how it is with to pick the most flattering light.

  8. Voting for the first photo here!

  9. No vote, both are stunning.
    No glories here, empty vine. Til next year.

  10. I love morning glory's and whisteria, both photos are great but I think the 2nd is my favorite

  11. The first photo has more depth.

  12. Not. Try setting your ISO higher .. then you wont need a flash unless its dark and dreary


  13. Never too many morning glories!

    I'm always opposed to flash unless it's absolutely necessary, but yours is a tough call. It filled in some shadows in a good way. I guess I would tell you what I tell my stampers... no one who sees this saw the orginal (or the other one), so it doesn't matter! They are both terrific!

  14. I prefer no flash and only use it when indoors and the light is truly awful.
    However, I do prefer the lower photo. They're both good, actually.

  15. Depends on what we're flashin' *g

    I like the top photo better. I think...

  16. I love the top one.

    I am amazed they're still blooming for you!

  17. Bottom one is my favorite, but both are lovely. Yes, they are still morning glorious!

  18. I can't believe he tore them out:(....Men

  19. Never met a morning glory I didn't love. Beautiful photos.


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