Sunday, November 23, 2008

Sunday Serenity...DENIED!

"Deny me??? I stick my tongue out at you, Serenity!!"

As I write this, it is 12:50 am, (early on Sunday morning). We've just gotten back from the movie "Changeling". As any of my friends know, hell itself needs to be freezing over before I go to a movie. It's not that I don't like them, it's just that there's so many other things I like a little more. Well, hell nearly froze over last night! 
Last evening around 9:15 pm we'd just finished dinner and GB, our eldest Rem, her two friends, and I were variously playing cards, watching TV, etc. I'd noticed the lights flickering every once and a while, but really didn't think anything of it. Then...the lights went out. Along with the lights went the heat. It's 25ยบ outside. It was not good. 
We found the candles and flashlights (the card game then continued on) and I got on the phone with our electric company. Of course they didn't know what the problem was, but they were on it, and promised all would be just peachy in an hour or two. 
Conversation among us then ensued and it was decided we (even me!!) would go to the movies while our electric/heat problem was being corrected so we'd stay warm (and be entertained - 2 hours without TV?? Are you kidding me?). The only movie starting after 9:15 was "Changeling", and tho none of us were overly excited to see it, at least we'd be warm, and so off we went.
When we arrived, GB got in line to get the tickets and the rest of us went to get snacks. When we met to go into the show, GB informed us to keep our coats on because tho the heat in the lobby was just hunky-dory, it didn't extend to the screening rooms. No heat to be had while watching the movie, not one little bit! (Oh, did I mention "Changeling" is just shy of two and a half hours long???) Half way through the movie, GB took my hand in his, (dang!, I'm thinking, how romantic!) He then proceeded to put the back of my hand on his nose. Let's just say, if he were a dog, he'd be extremely healthy - his nose was an icicle!
So, this Sunday there is no Serenity, but it's the first for the entire year, so not too bad. It's 1:30 and my pillow is promising me all kinds of serenity, so I'll leave you until the next time....(yawn). 

expect anything!

10:50 am:  P.S. Oops! Sorry! I need to add that we had heat and electricity upon our return home. And about the movie...not sure how much I liked it (I'm a happily ever after kind of movie-watching gal), but it has Oscar written all over it, from the acting to the directing to the cinematography. Typical Eastwood. Changeling is beautifully done on all levels. Believe it or not, this is the very first time I've seen Angelina in a movie. She's really a decent actress, (tho so skinny it's distracting, and not in a good way). Looong movie, but entertaining in a disturbing way - it's hard enough to swallow this movie is non-fiction, let alone that some of the events/actions portrayed were considered ok to do back then. Thank GOD we've changed the way things are done in our psychiatric hospitals!


  1. Well I hope your electricity is back on now. Not only do we not have heat when ours goes out but no water as well. Living in the country is a pickle sometimes. Snuggle up!

  2. How was the movie? Do you have heat now? Two very important facts you should relay to your fan base!

  3. Brrrrr....I hope you have your heat back by now! It's really scary to lose it when its really cold. I like your photo of your beautiful graceful "tongue" :-)

  4. ACK .. like you it would take a A LOT to get us out to a movie .. tho I suspect that wouldnt happen here. No its more likely Husband would suggested going to bed .. to sleep .. under many covers.


  5. I would have headed for bed at the start, i.e. start of no heat... :) but then I don't have TV at all...

    Hope things are warmed up this morning!

  6. So how was the movie? and we woudl have simply gone to bed and piled under the wonderful quilts :)

  7. Glad to hear you got your heat back. One year, we lost electricity on Christmas night for 12 hours, which was lucky since we do Christmas Eve dinner.

    I've always liked Eastwood's movies, but think I will wait for it to come out on DVD.

  8. Nicely composed photo, and such interesting shape. It is not easy to get a macro shot that sharp

    An Arkie's Musings

  9. Annie! I'm home! Squazz says we did not lose power. That is weird....

  10. Oh my - I'm terribly sorry about all of this. Did you ever find out why the electric went out? And at 25 out, YIKES - not good, not good at all! But I'm glad it was restored! My sister & I went to see Changeling Friday night - I liked the movie, the acting, and all of that - but you're right, it's disturbing. I can't believe the horrible things that happen in this world - the things people do to each other.

    But that flower is GORGEOUS!!! love the water drops & the color! Great shot!

  11. BTW - where did you get the "Worth The Click" list that updates when people post on their blog? I like that - it's neat!!!

  12. I'm glad the power outage moment worked for you and the movie was good. I'll take your review and give it a go sometime.

    When I lived with the folks in Newtown long time ago, power outages were par for the course. Dad would turn them into camping trips. He's cool that way, but it do get chilly!

  13. We lost power for a couple hours Friday night - I hate when that happens. The uncertainty - "will it come back on? when will it come back on? what if it doesn't come back on?" Glad it was back when you got home!

  14. The thought of all that described cold distresses me as much as that depressing movie did! Oh, sad, sad post!

  15. Glad the heat is back! Don't you just love the "I'm colder than you.", move! NSLO does that with her hands on my back!

    As far as The Changeling.. I am not sure I could watch it.

  16. What a great story, Annie! And how ironic that you went to the movies to get warm, only to freeze!

    Glad you're warm now!

  17. I love going to the movies. I just haven't been in quite some time. Sounds pretty darn cold in your screening rooms at that theatre. Not good. I do love your photo of the flower on this post.

  18. Annie: What a fun post about an unusual situation.


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