Tuesday, May 05, 2009

My (Bizarre) World Tuesday...

Stella and I were in the kitchen when we heard and then saw a great flapping of wings, followed by a big splash of water. I knew it was a turkey - they always have a certain clumsy way of flying - but couldn't imagine the splashing sound as turkeys and water just don't come together on any regular kind of basis. Much to Stella's consternation, I blocked her from leaving the house as I snuck out on the deck to see what was going on. Lo and behold, there was a turkey knee deep (well, turkey knee deep at least) in the pond! (And who really was looking rather embarrassed about the entire land-in-the-pond thingy.) Can you imagine? After standing there for about five minutes, said turkey nonchalently wandered back onto the land he/she belonged on as if the entire water incident had never taken place. Ahhh...order restored!


expect anything!


  1. Maybe some other turkey gave him a hotfoot.
    And I'm STILL amazed/jealous over that Indigo Bunting...

  2. We had one in the pool last year. He had to be rescued. FYI: They do NOT swim.

  3. Turkey in the Straw has been revised to Turkey in the Pond. Never a dull day at your house.

  4. Annie: What a neat story and a great photo. Definetly looks like a gobbler to me.

  5. LOL I love when critters are so trying to pretend they did not do something foolish... human critters crack me up too! martha has an expression ... will have to capture it on film but when you see that face you KNOW she did something!

  6. Surely Stella would have saved the turkey a few moments in the water :)

  7. That's a cute story, pretty clumbsy, indeed to land in the water.

  8. I did NOT know that they can't swim. Kind of cruel to have wings and no flight ability.

  9. Turkeys are so odd! There's a pair that lives at a house near here that I drive by every day. One day we were driving by and saw gigantic birds in a tree. I said, Are those TURKEYS!? I didn't think they sat in trees.

    Or in ponds :)

  10. Hmmm...I'd say that turkey acts just like we do when we do something embarrassing....act nonchalant and pretend you did it on purpose :-) Maybe no one was looking anyway....except that rude lady with the camera who will post it all over the INTERNET for your friends to see! You are so funny, Annie..I always get a smile from you.

  11. MMM...I smell Thanksgiving dinner!

  12. So we can draw the conclusion that turkeys like cats never do anything wrong/inept/clumsy that they will admit to, eh?

  13. If you asked him, he would say he meant to do that!

  14. Turn up the heat and make some soup? or Tetrazzini.

  15. My turkeys have been M.I.A. since the big "Rumble in the Field" a couple of weeks ago. 'Round these parts, they KNOW when it's hunting season...!!!!

  16. He meant to do that! No, really!

  17. Poor kid! Probably felt really fowl about the whole thing!

  18. ahhh...the turkey forgot his/her glasses and landed off target...lol.
    enjoyed your photo and post.
    have a wonderful week.

  19. LOL! Turkey's on low batt mode:D Quite amusing post you got here:)

  20. Kinda sounds like a cat..."Meh, I meant to do that!"

  21. this is the second post I have come across that made me laugh out loud.


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