Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Ahhhhh...Hot Sum!

No, not a new Asian dish...

But what I hope we all have had all summer long!


On another note

Our first school ~snow~ day
Caused by that Hurricane Earl?
Yup! Quite possible!


expect endings...then beginnings

Happy happy birthday to one of my very favorite people EVER!
And may you have many many more, AuntieM!
I'm so very fortunate to count you as part of my fambly.
Love, love LOVE you!


  1. Nahh...we only officially have "snow" days that cancel school - but if Hurricane Earl really does come close to us this Friday, we'll have our first "snow" day courtesy of a hurricane!

  2. Hoping Earl stays far enough away to not be too much of a problem!

  3. I'll be thinking of you. In Rome....

  4. the only Earl I want here is Earl the angel from Saving Grace

  5. As long as nobody gets hurt, I hope you get your day off from school. I still have to go to my work tomorrow because "IT" is not supposed to "possibly" do anything until tomorrow night and I don't work Friday anyway, so it won't get me a snow day. DammIT.

  6. What great pictures! : )
    How crazy about that first 'snow' day!
    We haven't even started school yet in PA.

  7. You know, Auntie M sounds like Dorothy on the Wizard of Oz saying Auntie Em.

    Kinda cute. Like your photos here!

  8. We've had too much "hot summer" for me, but I guess I've been having fun anyway :-) Send some rain to the midwest if you have any!


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