Thursday, October 08, 2009

Curses! Foiled Again!

Was on my merry little way, minding my own business, taking my usual shortcuts through town when I came upon this! one bothered to tell me my shortcut would be blocked! Mother Nature is soooo uncooperative - and it always seems to be precisely at the wrong time. How dare her to block my route when the dang bank was closing in exactly 4 minutes and 21 seconds??? All was certainly not well in my neighborhood yesterday afternoon! (pooh!)


expect irritation at times!
What? You think you're immune???

P. S. Just in case you're wondering, we had a major wind event blow through lower Fairfield County yesterday afternoon - gale force winds, the works - thus the tree limbs down all over the place. Wasn't as bad as some winds we've encountered, but it certainly was an irritation to me yesterday!

P. P. S. Major accolades to whomever can name the cartoon character that repeatedly said: "Curses! Foiled Again!" It has completely and totally escaped me. (And yes, I'm feeling very very old. In more ways than one.)


  1. And now I'm joining you -- feeling very, very old and yes, in more ways than one. Sounds like you had one terrific day! Mine was similar -- believe me, I won't bore you with the details!

    Here's hoping for a better day!


  2. Gah. Well, any earlier and your car may have been hit, so mother nature spared you.

    I had gotten the pool all ready to be closed this morning and by the time the guys got to my house, the wind had kicked up and the pool was filled with leaves. And they were all from every one else's yard.

  3. We had high winds here as well. Don't you hate the inconvenience of it all?

  4. Character was Dick Dastardly and his voice was Paul Winchell. Am I really that smart....No but Wickepedia is... :)

  5. Snidely Whiplash. Bad wind. Bad, bad wind.

  6. Snidely Whiplash

    And if you wanted to get blown away yesterday Columbus Circle was the place to be .. damn subway had issues so I exited at 59th and 'walked' more like was pushed along by the gale force winds to the bus stop.

  7. we finally got our downed trees cut and burned this past weekend!

  8. I'm crackin up @ Nancy - I was fixin to hit Wikipedia when I read her entry! hehehehehehehehe

    Sorry about the storm - I take it you didn't make it to the bank on time?! Bummer

  9. Did you make it to the bank in time? We had some wind here too, but not enough to blow anything down.

  10. Communication is everything!
    Sounds like you're coping anyway :O)
    Loved the deer post earlier too.

  11. Snidely Whiplash from Rocky and Bullwinkle for sure. And I'm glad you weren't taking that shortcut when that tree went down!

  12. Re the bank comment: You're doing something wrong. Between the computer and ATM, I haven't been inside a bank in almost fifteen years. Heaven!

  13. Glad the wind didn't drop any on your house....roads are bad enough. I agree with Snidely Whiplash, but think it is really a generic thing said by all evil villans of the melodrama....probably going back to something like "Perils of Pauline" and ladies tied to railroad tracks.

  14. Be glad you happened along after it fell, not as it fell! Or blew down or whatever...however, I will tell you, if anyone can find a blocked road, it would be me.

  15. I used to have a student that said "Curses" all the time. (I immediately thought of him when I read this.) I didn't know it WAS from a cartoon!

  16. Curses! I can't remember a thing about that character!

    did you make it to the bank?


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