Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Eating Crow - What I'll be Doing...

I carried on and on a short time ago (go here) about how this fall wouldn't be nearly as colorful as last year. It is becoming painfully apparent, and more so every single day, I am going to have to eat a very large plate of crow.

Excuse me while I go get a fork.


expect anything!

That's My World Tuesday
Do join us!


  1. That kind of crow is worth eating! Wow! What gorgeous colors! You did great, girl! Terrific shot!

    Enjoy your crow and have a great week!


  2. Wonderful, we do get fall color here in northern California but not like that.

  3. What stunning color!! We never quite get that here in West Texas because of all the Live Oaks. They never change color. Everything else just turns yeller & dies, LOL!

  4. Cover that crow with hot sauce and some of that hot chili powder you've been making, and you won't taste a thing.

    Gorgeous colors - we're just slightly brown down here, nothing worthwhile to report yet.

  5. Woo hoo...that just got me all sorts of thrilled! WOW.

  6. So pretty! We don't have that kind of color here. I have one (tiny) red tree in my yard, but mostly we get yellow cottonwoods (which mostly aren't yet yellow). I'm heading east on Thursday, however (north of you), and hope I see some amazing color!

  7. No color here ...

    And I bet crow isn't bad with some colorful peppers on the side

  8. I told you to be patient;) I'll make you a nice side of brussels sprouts.

  9. fantastic shot!!! wish we'd see some color around here soon (Georgia) but I know it's too early.

  10. Ah, crow. Not a very enjoyable dish, huh!!!

  11. ...Oh have a lil' wine with your crow and it won't be so bad...*giggle* ;o)


  12. Oh no, please don't do that! It's ok, it'll be ok! LoL!
    The temps got down so low Friday night that Saturday morning I woke to see the leaves had literally changed colors overnight. Very beautiful

  13. Ann: The show is really pretty this year, photography only helps to bring it out.

  14. gorgeous fall color...my favorite time of year. i love the reds, oranges, golds and magentas.
    i won't make you eat crow...it's too tough ^..^%

  15. Do you want fries with that? Or would you rather supersize it?

    Fall in NJ is getting prettier each day. Hope to see you next weekend.

  16. Sometimes eating crown is a worthy caws. ;)

  17. You enjoy your nice plate of crow, while we enjoy the beautiful color :-) How could there not be great color where you live?? Ours is finally getting going...if the rain lets me get photos.

  18. Hilary is a hoot, isn't she! Clever commenter... I think that's one crow I wouldn't mind eating, the colours are lovely.

  19. I'll take my place at the table and eat crow, too! Gladly.

  20. A worthy "caws"! LOVE that! Thanks, Hilary!

  21. Well, its a good thing you live in CT, because if you were here in Tucson and you had to eat crow you wouldn't be able to find one! Would a raven do instead? Love the picture!

  22. I think I am going to have to join you in eating crow...I was making the same comments about fall! (I have not acknowledged it on my blog yet, though so shhhhh!)


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