Tuesday, October 20, 2009

It Was Sunday (Serenity) on our MO Pond

No, today obviously isn't Sunday, but that's when this photo was taken by my mom.
Click here to see above photo in all its glory!

That's Rem, Tim and Cody-dog floating and fishing (well, at least Remy was fishing) on the magnificent pond just outside the living room windows of my parents MO home this past Sunday. Heaven? You could say that, but would still be missing out on how very wonderful this paradise really is.
My girl and her beau have been visiting my parents (her grandparents...duh!) this past week, and I can, without any doubt, tell you it's been a most excellent adventure for all participants! The four of them - along with a good amount of extended family - have cooked, gamed, hiked, eaten, explored, talked, played, and made many many unforgettable memories together!

Isn't that what family is all about?

Just wish I'd been there as well.



expect anything!

Photo courtesy of Mum Bum - wonderful pic, as always, mom!


  1. Absolutely lovely. Looks warmish there too. Not so much here. *lol*

    Love the ripples in the water and the reflection of the surrounding vegetation in the photograph.

  2. Looks like a wonderful place to spend time.

    See you Friday.

  3. Looks like great fun was had by all!

  4. Love the photo...it speaks Autumn!

  5. Ann: A beautiful capture that will stay in the memories.

  6. It's what makes the world go round, isn't it?
    Beautiful shot, too!

  7. What a gorgeous pond. Your parents' place sounds wonderful. It also sounds like a potential Blog Fest site - perhaps 2011?

  8. Now that is a plan, CBW! A repeat in Mathews County summer 2010, and a Misourahhh venue summer 2011! Perfection!

  9. I wish that you had been with them, too. I know how much you love going home. Beautiful lake to see every day out your window.

  10. What a wonderfully special time! LOVE this picture.


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