Monday, October 19, 2009

Last Harvest

Behold the glory of the very last of our Community Garden harvest for the year. Those peppers are all ours - grown in our community garden plot - and now becoming part of a wonderful stir-fry! (There are onions & garlic in there as well, but, alas, they are from the grocery store.)
We were supposed to have a CG clean-up day/pot luck lunch Saturday, but the weather forecast was so very very rotten, the whole thing was canceled. Guess what? Didn't rain much at all! Cold? Yes! But we could have gathered together. Weathermen called for a 90% chance of rain. on Saturday. HA! Wrong again! Today? We were supposed to have spotty showers...and it's rained all day. POOH!

I know there are peppers still clinging on, but they're not what they once were, what with all the cold weather we've had, and I'm not really sure they'll be harvestable by the time I can get to the CG plot. The weather's supposed (relative word there) to become warmer and dryer by Wednesday so I hope to be able to pull any last peppers, clear everything out and put my garden baby to bed.

It's been a very good first year, if I don't say so myself!

OOOOOPS! Though I used the proper ~we~ in the first part of the post, I didn't in that last paragraph. I certainly didn't mean to exclude my daughter Remy and her beau Timmy! They did as much work as I did getting this CG plot up and running! (Hey, I'm old, I forget, whadya want from me?!?!) A community effort in our community garden!



expect anything!


  1. Beautiful and looks tasty too. Next time, give me a call. I will be over with my fork, plate and a good appetite.

  2. For starting a garden during a La Nina year, I'd say you did an outstanding job!!!

  3. Oh my mouth is watering .. yum ..

    And I was not a happy gal this weekend .. I moved my hair appt from Sat to Sun because it was supposed to rain on Sat .. HA! .. it didnt really tho it was miserable cold/damp but it did rain on Sunday .. sigh... lucky my hair is so awesome that a little rain didnt do any harm!

  4. Yum! I'd be happy with a big dish of sauteed peppers and onions for dinner ... and wouldn't need anything else!

  5. Oh that looks so yummy! What time do you want us for dinner? ;)

  6. That picture makes me want a ham-cheesy. And some wine.

  7. Gorgeous! Delicious looking and, yes, I'm drooling!!!

    Have a great day!


  8. YOUR CG?!? Timmy and I do believe that you had some help...regardless, that stir-fry sure does look delish....

  9. yummy looking stirfry - sorry about the canceled plans

  10. now that looks so amazingly the aroma was fantastic!

  11. Ann: That is a great serving with a lot of color. Glad you gave the kids credit for the gardening.

  12. What a great project.. Cold and calling for snow here, and Yep.. I was actually drawing up some garden plans for next year had our place on the market for the last year and with the economy I've decided I am done living in limbo.. and if we are still here next spring I am planting a garden.. no more waiting.. nothing like home grown veggies..

  13. Shouldn't have stopped here at supper time....that stir fry looks so good! Now I have to go forage for food before I attack the computer. The keyboard doesn't work well, when you drool on it.

  14. Those peppers sure do look good. And don't they always taste better when you grow them yourself?

  15. SO many peppers. You've been great at coming up with ways to use them. I'm about to harvest my first (yes, it's getting into late October) yellow one. No frost yet. None predicted, but mid-30's at night.


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